0.7 Band Bonding

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Luke Hemmings:

❤️ Liked by @niallhoran and others@lukehemmings when @ivyjones asks for face masks and gossip session there is only one correct answer

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❤️ Liked by @niallhoran and others
@lukehemmings when @ivyjones asks for face masks and gossip session there is only one correct answer


The next month flew by in a blur of meetings, band practice, studio sessions with and without 5sos, and nights with Niall.

To Troy (from Ivy): Hey Troy! These past three months have been so much fun, but I'm beginning to develop feelings for someone and I don't want our... arrangement... to come between this new thing. I have had so much fun, and genuinely you are fucking good at fucking. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little arrangement, and I hope you have a great life.

From Troy: Much appreciated, I've been practicing ;) I'm always here if you need me. Go get your man

I smile down at my phone as I walk out of the Don'tStop Management building to my car. Troy was a good fuck, but he's definitely not someone I would date... unlike someone else I know.

The car ride to Niall's was longer than usual because of traffic, but I still made it with more than enough time to have dinner with Niall before getting ready to meet up with the rest of the band at a bar for some chill band bonding.

"Hey, Niall! What happened to my brush? I swear I left it on the counter." I mumbled

"I put it in the second from the top drawer on the left side of the sink," Niall called from his bedroom.

I found my brush, and quickly finished slicking my hair back into a ponytail. I walked out of the bathroom to get my dress from the closet. I slipped on what is the definition of a little black dress and grabbed my boots and hat before heading out to the living room to get my purse.

"What ya singin'?" Niall asked while walking out of his room into the living room where I was putting on my shoes.

"A song from this band. I don't know if you've heard of them, but they were really big before they broke up. They're called One Direction," I teased.

"Oh, haven't heard of 'em," Niall joked.

"Yep, they honestly suck, but I still kinda like their music. There's this one guy in the band... He's so fucking hot."

"Oh really," Niall raised his eyebrows at me, "What's his name?"

"Oh yeah, he's a total babe! His name's Harry Styles."

"Oh my god, you're so annoying with your infatuation with Harry! You know I could just invite him over, and you could meet him," Niall offered for the millionth time since I'd met him.

I sigh, "I know, but I don't want to have to converse with someone I've read filthy fanfiction about."

Niall burst out laughing, "And you haven't read any about me? I'm hurt, Ivy."

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