Chapter 13: Party Party Yeah!

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Lakshmi and Nagaraj entered the club, a bit awkward in the neon lights and blaring EDM music. Lakshmi didn't recognize the song playing, and felt out of place in her saree, looking at the other people dressed in Western clothes. 

"Hey Lakshmi!" Ajay called out to her. Nagaraj led her through the crowd, stopping when they met Ajay. "Look who's here guys." He introduced her to his other childhood friends, and then she and Nagaraj went to go sit at the bar, ordering a juice to sip on. Lakshmi spotted Paru dancing with Suresh, and searched the club for you, but couldn't find you. Ajay suddenly appeared next to her. 

"Come on, let's go dance," he said. 

"No, no, I don't know how to dance," Lakshmi tried to wave him off, but Ajay being Ajay, persisted and eventually pulled her to the dance floor. She looked here and there, but you weren't there to save her, so she gave in and let Ajay lead her. 


Rakesh had arrived to the party a bit earlier, being one of the main hosts. Dressed in a white button down shirt and jeans, he nursed a drink in his hands, making idle conversation with the guests coming through. He was happy to catch up with some of his childhood friends, but his main focus was on where you were. When Paru and Suresh came, he asked her where you were, having expected you both to come together. 

"She said she'll be here, she's still getting ready," Paru answered, before Suresh whisked her away to dance. That was about an hour and a half ago, and even Lakshmi and Nagaraj had come. Rakesh was getting impatient now, and was halfway about to just leave and go to Paru's house to be with you.


You were finally ready and had reached the party. Dressed in white bejeweled saree blouse that ended an inch above your belly button and black jeans, along with diamond stud earrings and a matching Swarovski necklace, you were ready to dance and sing. Although you didn't always like to show off in public, the fact that most people would be minding their business and hitting on somebody, or just straight up drunk comforted you, assuring you that not many people would be focusing on you. As you entered the club, "The Feels" by Twice started to play, making you perk up and start looking for Paru, since this was your guys' song. As Jihyo's part was coming to an end and the chorus was nearing, you found her and tapped on her shoulder, pulling her away from Suresh (to his dismay) so that you could dance to the main part together. 

"I GOT THE FEELS FOR YOU YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAAH! YOU HAVE STOLEN MY HEART, OH YEAH!" You sang, following along with the dance, not caring who was watching. Rakesh finally saw you and laughed, watching you dance with zeal. You spinned and twirled, finding Lakshmi as well and stealing her from Ajay, making her laugh as your energy fueled her. The song soon ended, and you talked to Lakshmi. 

"You look so pretty Lakshmi, I love your saree!"

"Thanks! When did you get here?" She asked, leaning to your ear so you could hear her better.

"Just before this song started. You?"

"I came here about thirty minutes ago. Nagaraj also came, see?" She pointed him out, sitting at the bar on the lower level. 

"Oh, I think I see Abhi too. I'll go say hi," you said, leaving the dance floor. 

Nagaraj and Abhi saw you, smiling as you approached them.

"Hi guys, how's it going?"

"It's okay," Nagaraj answered honestly. 

"It's so nice to see you guys here," you said. "Why don't you come and dance?" Paru called Abhi up and he left, leaving you and Nagaraj.

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