Chapter 8

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3rd POV:

"Yea, sorry it's a bit sudden bu' I hoped yew could've been alroght with et?" He apologized, sounding a bit nervous and uncertain of his response.

"I-I mean, I guess I could pack. What time are you guys leaving?" They asked curiously, shooting out of bed and hurriedly searching for a suitcase to pack their belongings in.

"Eh... En abou' an hour or two?" (Y/N) sighed at this information. They were luckily already dressed, all they had to do was pack all their things into suitcases. "Ok, I have to go- bye!" And with that (Y/N) hung up the phone, throwing it on the bed as they ripped the clothes off their hangers and folded them, putting them into the suitcase.

After shoving all of their clothes, shoes, small items and bathing products into both suitcases (Y/N) huffed as they tried shutting the suitcase. Placing their full weight onto the suitcase, (Y/N) stood on top of the suitcase, jumping a bit until it clicked shut.

"Augh! Finally!" They heaved, stepping off the suitcase when suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Shit, I hope that isn't the landlord. I haven't payed rent in weeks!" They panicked, growing annoyed by the constant knocking on the door.

"Yeah yeah! I'm coming you fucking twat-". Standing at the door was 2D with a goofy smile and his arm raised in the air with his hand in a fist from his previous knocking. Stunned, (Y/N) stuttered, yet, only making small sounds that frantically left their mouth.

2D chuckled, "Hey love, are yew all packed? We're leavin' soon". Tripping over their words, (Y/N) managed to get out a few words. "U-Uh, yea. I uh-, im packed". They gulped, pointing their thumb back into their apartment.

"Oh alroght! That's good then! Get yewur stuff and let's go! Come on!" He smiled widely, seeming happy to be moving out that apartment. (Y/N) couldn't lie, they were too. (Y/N) nodded and went to grab their suitcases, Stuart kindly taking one for them so they didn't look stupid. He lead (Y/N) towards his apartment, it wasn't far from where (Y/N) lived so they wondered why they haven't seen him around. Sure, there were a few roads the two of them had to cross to get there but it seemed to be on the opposite end of where (Y/N) lived, down a few houses and to the right.

(Y/N) POV:

"Well, this is where we live but not anymore since we're goin' to live somewhah else!" Stuart said cheerfully, gesturing to the apartment with three other trying to get their stuff out of it. They all stumbled over themselves as they carried heavy bags filled with who knows what.

"No man! You can't bring all the god damn alcohol! It'll spill and go bad. And what if the bottles break? I was telling you earlier man that you shouldn't be buying all this stuff". The big, black man with white eyes scolded at the green one. 'I think I remember his name, Murdoc? I think so'.

"Ow- shut your face! It'll work!" He whined, carrying a cooler, supposedly filled with alcohol. The woman with purple hair shook her head disappointedly, crossing her arms and watched as the two men argued.

"Eh... sorry abou' tha' love, they can be loke this sometimes". 2D shrugged awkwardly, placing a hand on the back of his neck. I reassured him that everything was ok and that I didn't mind the groups antics much. That was when 2D tried to introduce me to everyone, I guessed that Murdoc would've been more excited to see me but I guess not. He just shrugged me off and placed his bags into the car that awaited take off.

2D apologized again. The woman came up to me and had a very different demeanor than Murdoc. She took my hand with a smile and said her name was 'Noodle'. I gladly took her hand, smiled and told her my name aswell. She seemed to blush at my kindness and retracted her hand nervously as she looked away.

A Gentle Voice (2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now