Chapter 2

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Slight trigger warning!
This book talks about short term memory loss and has mild amounts of cursing!

Walking back to his cluttered room, 2D grabbed a random shirt and pair of jeans off the floor that were possibly worn multiple times before. 'They don't too smell bad', 2D thought as he put the shirt and jeans up to his nose. Putting on the clothes he stood in front of his mirror, he processed the outfit he had put together. It looked like he got dressed with his eyes closed.

He wore a bright pink, Hawaiian shirt that had a demons head pattern on it, leaving a few of the buttons undone, showing some skin. With it he wore skin tight, dark blue jeans. He didn't really care how it looked because he wasn't planning on leaving the apartment or go anywhere special anyway.

Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, 2D searched the cabinets for a bag of bread. Grabbing a piece of bread out of its bag and placing it in the toaster, pressing down the lever, 2D slumped over the counter with his head in his hands. He yawned as the sun shinned through the windows, the rays gently caressing his back. The bright atmosphere of the out doors in no way matched 2D's mood.


He heard a familiar voice say behind him as he felt the voices' hands on his arms, all at the same time of the toaster going off which genuinely startled him. He whipped around to see Noodle standing behind him. He smiled and reached behind him grabbing his burnt toast taking a bite of it.

"Morning!" She sang with a smile.

"Mornin' Noodle" 2D said with a mouthful of burnt toast as he put on a small smile.

Noodle danced around the kitchen. Moving towards the fridge, she grabbed a carton of eggs and a pan turning on the stove. She drizzled oil on the now hot pan as she danced in one spot. Taking an egg in one hand, she cracked it open and let it spill out onto the oily, hot pan.

2D watched her carefully, studying her mood and actions. He watched, taking notes as she had such a positive attitude and he didn't. Noodle was beaming as she made breakfast for herself. 2D pondered on as to why she good be in such a good mood this morning.

Noodle turned to the singer and said, "Hey 2D, would you like an egg?"

The blue haired singer stared at her blankly for a moment, like he was trying to process what she just asked. He looked behind him, up the set of stairs with a worried looked growing on his face.

"Uh... No fhank yew" He said still staring at the stair case like he was waiting on someone, or expecting someone to angrily walk down the stairs. "I'll be alrigh', fhanks though Noodle" He flashed her a soft smile.

"Oh ok! That's alright, I'll stick to making mine." Noodle said as she took her egg and put it on the nearby plate she placed on the counter earlier.

"Yeah... I'm going to go grab da newspaypah" He said monotonely.

"Don't forget the keys to the mail box and your coat, its little chilly today!" Noodle yelled from the kitchen.

"Righ'..." 2D said softly, almost like he said it to himself, clasping his coat in his hand. He grabbed the keys off the hook and walked out the door, making sure to not slam it.

2D has to be reminded to take his medications at times. His short term memory is catching up to him. He would sometimes forget how to count, how to tie his shoes and ties. He sometimes forgot how to spell. Occasionally, strangers would see him as delusional.

Stuart looked down at the ground, watching as his feet stepped one infront of another as he walked to retrieve the mail. He didnt remember the number of the apartment so he didn't know which mailbox to open. Reaching into his pocket pulling out his phone, he hesitantly called Murdoc. The phone rang a couple times before he answered.

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