Chapter 7

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!Trigger warning!
This chapter contains high levels of mood swings, emotional distress and body dysmorphia.

We all thanked the driver before getting out of the car and shutting the door. Watching as it drove away to who knows where, my smile faded as I shoved my hands in my pockets and followed loosely behind the group as they all chatted and laughed together. I stood still for a moment, watching as Noodle and Russel walked into the apartment, Murdoc walking off to the side to smoke.

I started walking slowly towards the apartment, watching my every move as my feet went up each step one by one. That was, until Murdoc called out to me. "Hey, 2D". He said in a rather calmer, almost comforting tone. This was strange coming from him and I wandered how much he actually drank tonight. "Are you doing alright? You've been acting, uh... strange, lately".

This shocked me, I never knew that Murdoc payed that much attention to me since he's always involved with himself. "Uh, yeah. I-I'm alright". I flashed him a weak smile, holding my head down as I walked into the apartment and straight to my room.

The moment I entered my room I shut and locked the door, placing my back against it as I sighed, letting my body slide down to the floor. I put my knees to chest and placed my head in my hands. My throat clenched, and my eyes shut tightly as I was on the verge of tears. I wasn't sure why, but everything has been a lot to deal with lately and I don't know what to do other than cry. I think that'll make everything better, right?

I scolded myself, sighing heavily as I got up and walked into the bathroom to get undressed and shower. The thought of showering just made me angry, thinking about all the things Murdoc has done and said to me made me vilely angry. I angrily turnt on the water, not caring about the temperature, I just wanted to get it over with. I stripped away my clothes, getting more upset and angry with every piece of clothing I removed. Ripping back the shower curtain, I stepped into the shower, letting the hot water hit my body.

The hot water seemed comforting to me although I was in a moment of anger, it was nice. My throat clenched again, I shut my eyes to try to calm down but my chest tightened and my brows furrowed. I opened my eyes and saw my body, my lanky, boney body. I hated it. People like it because of how skinny I am. I don't. I hate it. I hate it so much. I wish I didn't have this body. I wish I could eat more. I just want the perfect body.

My eyes watered, but with the mixture of my tears, the steam, and the shower water, I couldn't tell if I was actually crying or not but I knew that I was only because of the fact that my vision was blurred. I wrapped my arms around myself, desperately wanting comfort but I wasn't able to receive it because I never asked or told someone about how I feel. I don't think I ever will.

I felt my knees go weak as I curled into myself, falling onto the shower floor I sat down, pulling my knees close to my chest again as I cried once more. I inhaled deeply, gasping before screaming bloody murder from distress. I heaved, gasping for air as I sobbed, feeling like I was loosing myself by the second as I descended into insanity.

—Little Time Skip—

I stepped out of the shower, emotionless as I grabbed a towel and began to dry myself off. Walking out of the bathroom I grabbed a baggy shirt and threw on a pair of boxers. Throwing my towel onto my floor somewhere, I collapsed onto my bed, still sniffling a bit from my episode in the shower.

I let out a breath, deciding it's best if I sleep so I turnt off my beside lamp. Getting underneath the sheets of my bed and shutting my eyes as I wait for sleep to come.

Unfortunately, sleep didn't come for awhile. All I could think about was (Y/N), they were extremely interesting and I can't seem to get them off my mind. I tried turning over to my opposite side a few times, but when it didn't work I tried laying on my back, that didn't seem to work either. I groaned and checked the time, '12:47'. I layed on my back again, staring up at the ceiling with my forearm resting on my forehead.

Without knowing what to do now, I got out of bed, walking over to my guitar and sitting back on my bed. I placed my fingers on the frets of the guitar and began to play, singing along to the music I played;

'It's alittle bit funny, this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can, easily hide
I don't have much money but, boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live.
If I was a sculptor, but then again no.
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show.

I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do.
My gift if my soul and this one's for you.
And you can tell everybody, this is a song made quite simple but, without adding stones
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put it down in words
How wonderful life is
While you're in the world'.

I strummed my last note before getting quickly cut off by Murdocs yelling at my door, "SHUT UP YOU KNOB PEOPLE ARE TRYIN' TO SLEEP"! I sighed and put away my guitar, now a bit tired from playing. I slid back into bed, sighing at the comfort of my sheets once again. I layed on my side for a moment, my breathing slowing down as my eyelids became heavy and sleep finally took over my body.

A bit later, just a few hours later, around 2:15am Stu's phone went off with a ding. Unaware to him, it was (Y/N) texting about the band, curious as to where they will meet because (Y/N) have decided that they want to join the band.

—Little Time Skip—

2D groaned as his phone went off loudly, ringing again and again as it vibrated on the nightstand. Turning over groggily he leaned over to look at his phone, curious as to who's calling him. When he got a closer look he his eyes widened in shock, realizing that it was (Y/N) who was calling him. 2D reached over to grab his phone, but still in his sleepy state he somehow fell over and toppled onto himself. Luckily, he held the phone tightly in his hands, close to his chest. He went to answer the call by swiping left but it seems he had already answered when (Y/N)'s came from the other side of the phone.

"Stuart? Are you alright? I heard you fall, I hope you're ok". They said concerned, clearly displaying that they cared for 2D.

"Ah-, um. Yea... I-Im alroght, jus had meself a bit of a tumble. I didn' except yew to coll me". He chuckled nervously. (Y/N) giggled and assured him it was alright.

"Oh! I was calling about joining the band, I texted you earlier but I figured you were sleeping". They giggled again. Stuart checked his phone and there indeed was a message from (Y/N) saying that they'd like to join the Gorillaz band.

"Oh... OH! Yes! I'm so excited to have you join our band, and I promise yew, yew won't regret et". Stu said cheerfully, happy that (Y/N) has now joined the band and they now have another member to make them even more famous. Even though 2D couldn't see it, he knew that (Y/N) was smiling too.

"Oh and (Y/N), yew might wont tew pack your bags because we're leavin' tew go tew an airpor' cause we jus got evicted this mornin'".

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