Chapter 3

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(If you are not okay with dressing like a girl please ignore/skip this chapter)

First Person POV:

'That was the only weather forecast that was accuring. It was a warm and beautiful sunny day this morning but now that I'm walking home in the fucking rain. Ofcourse it had to rain. It was only a little while ago that it was bright and sunny instead of dark and gloomy. Hopefully the weather will become better later on tonight.'

'Jeez, I'm getting soaked in this rain. I have to stop where.'

After walking for a bit I came upon a small bakery, I walked in. It was quite warm inside the bakery, it felt nice against my pale, wet skin from the cold and pouring afternoon rain.

"Oh! 'Ello, welcome en luv!" The lady said to me when I walked in, I flashed her a smile and nodded my head to her quickly.

To be honest I'm alittle embarrassed that I'm soaking wet, I just forgot my raincoat... and umbrella- you know I don't know why my job doesn't provide umbrellas for when it rains! It rains a lot here and they don't have umbrellas?! I complained in my head like I was talking to someone else walking to a table so it seemed like I was here to buy something.

"Yeah, haha. Yeuw know there's a new pub that's opened up?" A blonde girl said to her friend sitting across from her at the table they sat at. They sat relatively close to the entrance of the bakery so I could overhear their conversation.

A new pub eh?

"No I didn't know about that! What's the name of et?" The other girl leaned in towards the blonde girl.

"I fhink ets called 'Drunken Pirates Ship' or something like tha'." She shrugged

"Oh, cool! I really like the name of et." The brunette smiled.

I found a table close enough to hear the two girls conversation but far enough away so I didn't seem like a creepy stalker or something like that.

"Yeah, ets nice innit et. But wot about the inside of et? You nevah know whot a public will look like until yeuw go inside." The blonde questioned.

"Yeah, that es true." The brunette frowned and looked down towards their drink.

"Ah well, ets jus down the streets of Roberson Creek Drive and Fevers Road. It opens again around 8pm too!" The blonde spoke again grabbing her stuff and leaving with her friend.

I close by to Roberson Creek Drive but I'm not sure about Fevers Road. That's a good thing that its close by, I need a stress reliever especially since I've been working for so long and I haven't had a break in awhile.

"Excuse me?" I looked up to see a waitress standing next to me.

"Sorry to bothah but are yeuw goin' tew ordah anyfin luv? I can' have yeuw si'inn' here and not odrah anyfin." The waitress said as she cocked her hip to one side.

"Oh yeah, can I just have one small espresso please."

"Ofcourse" The waitress wrote my order down on her small note pad and walked off to put my order in. I sighed and thought about the pub, I dont have many friends so I cant really go with someone go this new pub that's opened down the street. Oh well, I'll think of something.

My espresso finally arrived in its small plastic cup, I left what in owed on the table along with a small tip and walked back home in the rain. Although, the rain wasn't as heavy as it was before, thankfully it was almost cleared up. I smiled as I made my way back home.

—Time skip—

"Oh my fucking-" I huffed after walking up 6 set of stairs to get to my apartment, I was still soaking wet from it still raining. I fumbled with my keys alittle before I finally unlocked my door. I stumbled inside my apartment, the carpet floors were damp now because of the rain water dripping down off my hair and clothes down onto the darkened carpet. My apartment was dimmily lit although I'm not sure it will get any brighter outside since its already 5pm.

Looking around my familiar apartment, I recall everything that was in my apartment. Sheets of paper with drawings of random people in fine detail, the fading of shades creating shadows of the peoples faces. It was almost like they were real. My eyes turned their gaze to the left side of my apartment. A TV hung from the pale white wall. A dark brown, comfortable and very soft couch sat infront of it. A bookshelf stood on the wall to the right of the couch, the self contained of so many books that bookshelf almost seemed like would burst- books would fly everywhere.

The right side of my apartment wasn't my favorite part of the entire place I've rented, its one of my least favorites actually. Only a small island stood in the middle of the kitchen. Along with the island were a few dark gray cabinets, they were originally white but because of the dark colors shining through my windows made them a shade of gray. A microwave stood on the kitchen counter by the black and dark silver oven that barely worked. And finally was the plain white fridge, the light inside it always flickered whenever you'd open it. Only a few containers with minimal amounts of food sat organizly in the fridge.

Not caring about my surroundings anymore, I walked to the only bathroom that was in my small apartment shutting the door behind me. I turned the shower knob and immediately ripped off my wet clothing, dropping them into the tile floor.

The shower was so hot that it created steam on the mirror that hung above the crappy sink. I entered the shower, feeling the hot water hit my back. The showers water hitting my back felt so nice on my cold skin since I was pretty pale, I was scared I would've caught a cold by now.

After my shower I put on more comfortable, lose clothing. I sat down on my bed scrolling on my phone when I remembered that the new pub has opened down the street. Shit! What time is it?! I looked at the time on my phone, it read, 6:43pm.


Not realizing how much time had gone by, I rushed to get ready to go to the new pub down the street. I hurriedly put on a white corset. Over it I put on a tightly fitted hot pink dress, the back of the spaghetti straps were scrunched and they had little gems on it aswell. I made sure to slow down when I was putting on my makeup though because I didn't want to look like a hot mess before I long night out at the pub.

Once I finished putting on my makeup and grabbed a pair of nude high heels that had a secret, of backs of the heels had a piercing bright red coloring on them. They were a perfect pair for this dress. I put on stud earrings that hung one big beautiful silver gem on it.

I decided to bring one small bag. In it I put a small perfume bottle, my ID card, debit card, alittle cash and my favorite lipstick/lipgloss. As I rushed down the stairs I grabbed the keys to my house and them stuffed into my hand held purse locking the door behind me.

Lucky it stopped raining in that short time while I was showering. On my walk to the pub a tried grabbing the attention of a cab driver. After holding my hand out multiple times and probably making myself looking like an idiot I finally got myself a cab.

I hopped into the cab and told the driver to 'Drive to the new pub, eh...'.
Shit. I forgot the name of the fucking pub, oh joy.

A Gentle Voice (2D x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt