Chapter 6

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2D's POV:

"Come on 2D!" Murdoc grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with him. "Hurry up! They're leaving!" He tugged on my wrist more then let go. "I'm coming Murdoc!" I yelled back at him annoyed.

We exited out through the doors we came in from, hurriedly trying to look for the person who walked out. "Excuse me!" I called out to them, hoping they'd turn around.

They stopped and curiously turned around, meeting us with a sweet smile. 'Oh god...'

"Hello? Did you call out to me?" They asked sweetly. I gulped and Murdoc shoved me out of the way, putting him infront of me. "Yes darling." He said flirtatiously, taking they're hand and placing a gentle kiss on it. I growled when I saw this, becoming annoyed by the second from Murdocs actions. "We saw you perform tonight and we wanted you to join our band."

Y/N hesitated, taking their hand back as they giggled softly. "Um, no thank you. I just perform for fun, i uh-, never thought I'd be asked to join a band." Murdoc was not happy about this.

"Are you sure? Maybe you've never heard of us- were, Gorillaz. The famous band, Gorillaz- ring any bells?~" Murdoc smirked, seemingly expecting them to recognize us. "Um... no, I'm sorry, I don't recognize you." They said, tilting their head a bit, I could tell they felt a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, that's alright." I chimed in, Murdoc glaring at Y/N. They smiled a bit, it made me nervous and i started stuttering on my words. Murdoc pushed me to the side, "Anyways- he's a knob eh... Just-, call us alright love? Think about it~" Murdoc handed them a small piece of paper with his phone number on it, they took it happily and scanned over it. Murdoc winked at them and walked away, probably to look for Noodle and Russel.

"Hey, uh... I'm so sorry abou' him. He'er." I took the same paper and a pen I found in my jacket pocket awhile ago and wrote my number on it aswell, signing my signature by it and handing it back to them. "Call me instead, Murdoc can be a drunk sometimes." I laughed awkwardly, they did too which made me smile.

"Alright, I'll call you then..." They looked at the paper for my name, "Stuart" They said almost flirtatiously, making me blush. They smiled, waving goodbye and walked off. I stood there, reacting late as I awkwardly waved goodbye back, watching as they walked off.

"OI! FACE ACHE- Let's go! We got a cab! Get in or we're going to leave yeuw!" Murdoc yelled to me. I turnt around and ran to the cab, getting in and shutting the door with a sigh. Noodle playfully hit my chest as Russel told the driver where we're going.

As the car drove off, all I could think about was that interaction with Y/N.

'I hope they'll join the band.'

—Time Skip—


I walked home that night, in hopes that I wouldn't come across a creep, I held onto a small weapon I made sure to bring before I left the house inside of my small bag.

The streets were dark and the dim light coming from the street lights weren't helping much, but with the cars lights and light shining down from the inside of the tall buildings, I was able to manage my way down the street. Surprisingly, there didn't seem to be any cabs out and about this late, which was odd but I didn't mind it much.

'I just hope I can make it home.' I thought, coming up on a walk way, pressing the button and waiting for the cars to stop.

'It'll be fine, I'm sure I'm close enough to home already!' I tried to comfort myself with these words, seeing as there has been some abductions going around lately.

I began walking, waving kindly to the stopped cars, hurriedly picking up my pace so I don't seem like a slow walker for these eager drivers. I breathed a heavy sigh, my breath hanging in the cold air as I held onto myself to try and stay warm. I was glad that I had brought a jacket just incase it got cold, but unfortunately, it seemed to be colder than I would've planned.

A Gentle Voice (2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now