Chapter 4

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The time was 7:25 pm.

'Time to get ready i guess.' 2D thought as he forced himself off his bed, walking into his bathroom and turning on the shower. Stripping off his already worn clothes he hopped into the shower, the warm water hitting his chest.

After washing his hair and body, 2D shut off the water, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist. He then took a smaller towel and rung it through his hair before throwing it onto the floor. Walking over to the mirror he rubbed the fog away with his hand, taking his toothbrush and toothpaste he squeezed some onto the toothbrush and began to brush his teeth.

Once he finished, 2D took a blow dryer and dried his hair more throughly. Without taking another look at himself he quickly exited the bathroom and turning off the light.

2D came to his dresser, scanning through it for another outfit to wear out that night. He wasn't sure what to go for, whether or not to be comfortable. After searching for a while Stuart found a nice, dark red collard, long sleeved buttoned top and some black suit pants. Tearing off the towel and putting on some underwear, 2D got dressed.

Standing infront of the mirror 2D studied himself, he wanted to make a good first impression even if he's just going to a pub. 'Somefhins' missin'.' He thought. Making his way over to his small closet he searched for something else. After looking he found a nice suit jacket that fit tight enough around the top half of his body. Putting it on he pulled out a thick, black belt, putting it on aswell and the same colored flat hat as his shirt.

He took another look in the mirror, for once, he felt... happy.

Stuart grabbed some socks and a nice pair of black shoes he has only worn once or twice before, putting them on he sprayed a bit of cologne, grabbed his wallet and shoved it into his pocket before walking out of his room and downstairs where everyone else was waiting.

"Wow D, you look nice!" Noodle exclaimed as she stood in a nice dress.

"Oh... fhanks." He said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yea righ', we need to get goin'." Murdoc said eagerly, pushing past the members and walking out the front door.

Russel sighed, rubbing the top of his head, "Well I, guess we better get going then." Noodle and 2D both nodded, following behind Murdoc as he angrily walked off.

After a bit of walking and trying to get a cab, they were finally able to catch one. Getting into the cab together they all small talked as the car drove down the lighted streets of London, watching as people fly past the fast moving car, getting them to their destination.

—Time Skip—

Getting out of the cab Stuart felt a pit form in his chest, making his chest feel heavy. He took a breath and hung behind everyone else but still following loosely behind as they walked into the pub. Upon entering the pub, it was surprisingly nice with colored lights and people chatting loudly, a bar with several alcoholic drinks and people singing on a stage placed perfectly where everyone could see it.

"Wow, this place is really something. Isn't it 2D!" Russel exclaimed to Stuart, nudging him lightly with his elbow. Stuart gulped, taking in the place's atmosphere. "...Y-Yeah... It's nice, innit?" He chuckled awkwardly. Russel smiled softly and nodded, Noodle taking 2D's hand and leading him towards a table, that was only accompanied by Murdoc. The table was close to the stage, almost like they were in the front row.

Noodle smiled as she sat down at the table, same as Russ but when 2D sat down, he felt the instant coldness of the seat making him shiver and uncomfortable as he shifted in his seat. He felt scared, nervous or anxious, maybe all three. 2D bounced his leg with a sort of urgency, eager to leave even though he just sat down.

Stuart felt almost dizzy as he looked around the pub, once again looking at all the colorful lights, people talking and laughing together as they sipped on their alcohol. Murdoc was already flirting with a girl who was taking the tables order, she must've been someone who works at the pub because she was dressed skimpily. 2D couldn't lie to himself, but he was kind of turnt on by it.

When the woman asked what 2D wanted to eat or drink, he felt sick and a knot formed in his throat. He felt like throwing up as he vision began to blur. Quickly, out of desperation and not wanting to embarrass himself anymore than he already had, he ordered a shot of whiskey, stumbling on his words as he ordered. The woman nodded and smiled as she took his order and walked away, Murdoc staring at her backside as she did so. He smirked, turning back to the table to converse with everyone about the woman's backside. Everyone scoffed and shook their heads in disappointment as they waited on their drinks to arrive.

—Time Skip—

It was awhile before the drinks came, Murdoc flirting with girls as he caressed their bodies and occasionally making out with a few of them. Noodle and Russel laughing together and Stuart was outside, smoking a cigarette as he felt more at ease than when he first came in to the pub. As he walked back in, passing a few woman who gave him flirtatious looks and gestures, he returned to the table where a drink sat infront of his seat. He sat down carefully and took the drink in his hand, downing the whole thing in one go.

"How you feeling D? Any better?" Noodle asked with some concern. 2D nodded, ordering another round of drinks to ease his mind. Russel patted 2D's back with content, "Yea, he's alright. Just needed to smoke and drink that's all!" He said positively, giving 2D a big smile.

2D smirked a bit, it was genuine but he couldn't bring himself to smile completely. He took another sip of his drink and gritted his teeth from the sharp burning sensation in his throat from the whiskey, harshly placing the glass back onto the table.

"I'm so glad I made it on time!" I exclaimed as I got my bag, payed the driver and left the car. I entered the pub filled with people, colored lights and loud voices that filled the room. My stomach dropped at the sight, I got extremely nervous and felt like going home immediately. 'I didn't know it would be this packed.' I thought.

I awkwardly stood there for a moment before a man, wearing a headset and held a clipboard came up to me. "Hey, you're Y/N right?" I nodded. "You're late but, come with me." The man walked off quickly as I desperately tried to keep up with him. I had to push past people, trying to follow the man who kept talking very fast to me about something I wasn't even sure of what he was talking about, I assumed he was mad. Nonetheless I kept following him.

He lead me backstage where it was much quieter which was really helpful. I sighed a breath of relief at how much more calming backstage was. "Did you catch all that?" The man said, whipping around to look at me. 'He seems angry, makes sense for a first night opening.' "Uh, no. Sorry."

He groaned and rolled his eyes, "So basically you're going to practice back here and go on to perform when your name is called. I don't want any horse playing back here. Meaning I don't want anyone to mess with the lights, curtains or change anyone's name on the roster so that we're out of order. GOT IT?!" He screamed, making me jump back a bit. I nodded and watched as he stormed off.

"Phew, we'll isn't he something." I said quietly to myself as I searched for a guitar to play. After wondering around a bit, I found one. The guitar was beautiful, it was black and in the shape of a star. 'Wow.' I set up my guitar, stringing it onto my shoulder and strumming it. 'Nice.' I smirked.

—Time Skip—

Stuart POV:

As me and the group laughed a very hot woman stepped out onto the stage, apparently there's going to be a show tonight, which I didn't know they did these kinds of things. I couldn't lie that I was excited about this, there were going to be people singing and playing instruments all night!

Third Person POV:

As the woman announced who was on stage, a few teens who were possibly in their 18 to late twenties stepped out awkwardly, stumbling over a few chords. Stuart let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Fhis is going to be a long nigh'."

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