Chapter Twenty Seven

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Fear rips through me as I run through the forest, away from the wolf chasing me. Screams bubble in my chest, but no sound comes out when I open my mouth. The only sounds are the wind and the heavy footfall behind me. I run for what feels like forever, the trees going on and on.

Suddenly, I am flying through the air, landing with a hard thud on the forest floor. The wolf is on top of me, snarling and snapping at my face with its huge jaws. Flashes of white fur and amber eyes are all I see as I struggle. I try to scream again, my mouth opening and closing, the words on my tongue unable to escape.

Help me!

Help me!

Help me!

The sound of soft vibrating wakes me from my dreams. I groan, turning over and pulling the blanket over my face. The sound stops for a moment, but starts again after just seconds. I sigh and sit up, looking around the room. Phoenix is still asleep beside me, his naked body stretched across the bed, one arm tossed above his head.

The vibrating noise continues and I turn my head, searching for where it's coming from. I see something lighting up on the floor beside Phoenix's discarded clothes. His phone. I stand quickly and tip-toe towards it, picking it up. Julian's name is on the screen and I hesitate before clicking the "accept" button and putting the phone to my ear.


"Dahlia?" Julian's voice is confused, but stern. "Where's Phoenix?"

I glance back at my mate, still sound asleep on the bed. "Asleep," I whisper. I walk towards the closet, going in and shutting the door. "Why? What's wrong?"

"The Russian representative just arrived at the local airport fifteen minutes ago. Since we're closer, I sent someone to pick them up." He pauses and sighs. "I really need to speak to Phoenix."

I shake my head. "I'm not waking him up until he needs to return to the council room. He's exhausted, Julian."

"We all are, Dahlia." His voice is harsh; harsher than I've ever heard it before.

I clear my throat. "When does he need to be there?"

The call is silent for a second before I hear Julian let out a deep sigh. "We're meeting in an hour."

"Okay. He'll be there."

It's quiet again and neither of us speak. I bite the inside of my cheek, a question burning on my tongue. I hear Julian sigh again.

"What is it, Dahlia?" He asks, his voice significantly softer.

"Is Viktor going to die?" My voice is much calmer than I expected, the words coming out smoothly.

The call is silent for a few moments and I almost think he's hung up when I hear him sigh again.

"Just make sure he's there in an hour, Dahlia." Julian's voice is stretched and tight with tension and I just nod, pulling the phone away from my ear and hitting the "end call" button.

Why didn't he answer you? My wolf's voice is muted and distant as she lays in her corner. She is just as exhausted as I am after the insane few days we've had.

I shake my head. I don't know.

You don't think they're going to let him live, do you? She sounds scared now, her words trembling.

Of course not. I respond quickly. Phoenix would never allow that. Neither would Caine or Mikhail or anyone else in our pack. I pause and think back on what Mikhail said about the pack in Russia. It's just more complicated now that there's another pack involved.

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