Chapter Twenty Five

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The trial opens exactly as expected. Octavius stands and speaks first. "Today we discuss the fate of Viktor Sokolov, formerly of Aurora, on multiple accusations of rape and the abuse of a child." A few gasps erupt in the room from those who don't know the situation. Octavius continues once the room quiets down again. "The council has taken statements from the victims as well as a number of witnesses during the investigation of these crimes. We will briefly recount these statements before moving forward." He sits and one of the women from Artem stands.

She recounts my statement – omitting my name, for which I'm grateful – as well as those of a few women from the Aurora prison. I look around as she speaks and notice that the room is almost completely full. There are only enough chairs for about a third of the people to sit, so the rest line the room, leaning against the walls. The woman continues to statements from Aurora pack members who witnessed Viktor taking me away from the house, only to return me covered in wounds and bruises.

I look at Viktor again. He is much more alert now, the wolfsbane having worn off, and his eyes scan the room. His gaze meets mine, but he doesn't smile again. The gray from his wolf has been replaced by his usual light brown. He looks bored. I narrow my eyes into a glare and look away, towards Elder Emir.

Emir's face is completely neutral, bordering on disinterest. Despite the severity of the accusations, he has likely heard things far worse in his time. He must sense me staring at him because he turns to meet my gaze.

Viktor Sokolov did these things to you?

Emir's eyes are not clouded, but the strong voice in my mind is definitely his. I take in a deep breath and nod, disoriented from him inside of my head.

How can I hear you? I ask, hoping I'm reaching him.

A smile twitches at his lips. Trade secrets, young Aphrodite. The smile disappears. I hope you are awarded the justice you seek.

I don't respond, instead turning to face the front again. The council woman has taken her seat again and Caine stands to speak next.

"Next, we will be taking one new statement. This witness was only just recently found to be reliable, so we delayed his statement until today." Caine gestures to the law attendants and they open one of the soundproofed rooms along the side of the room. Erland steps out, dressed in khakis and a collared shirt, and is led to a chair beside the Artem table. Caine speaks again. "Erland Hemming, son of the former Beta of Aurora, and brother to one of the victims." He glances at me quickly, a silent apology in his eyes.

I stifle a sigh as murmurs begin in the crowd. Of course. I guess it couldn't be avoided, mentioning me. My own brother is a witness to the crimes. Even if Caine hadn't said his name, we look similar enough to spark rumors. Hopefully, most of the people here don't know our family name and don't put the pieces together.

"We ask the spectators to please remain quiet," Julian says. The room goes silent again, though I still feel eyes burning into the back of my head.

I feel a gentle touch on my arm and I look down. Emir's dark hand is resting there, his skin impossibly soft. The sleeve of his cloak has risen and I see more of the black lines of his mark along his wrist. I look over to see him watching me, as though gauging my reactions. He offers me a reassuring smile before focusing his attention back on the front of the room. I too refocus on the trial, looking over at my brother.

He looks healthier than the last time I saw him. He has rested, the dark circles under his eyes gone. He also looks plumper, as though he has gained weight, though I suspect it is the rehydration after years of drinking sugary alcohol. His long, smooth black hair is down over his shoulders and he looks strikingly like our mother.

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