Chapter Twelve

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I wake before Phoenix the next morning, nervous for the day to come. I spend an hour choosing my clothes and fiddling with my hair, trying to get my curls just-so. I don't want to appear weak in front of any Aurora pack mates I might see, so I want to put in extra effort.

My wolf stays silent all morning, but I feel her presence. She no longer hides behind her walls. I get flashes of memories every once in a while, but I try to keep them towards the back of my mind. I have time for remembering later.

Phoenix is out of bed and dressed when I finally exit the bathroom. "There you are." He walks towards me and places a kiss on the top of my head. "Do you want to eat before we leave? We still have a bit of time."

I nod and follow him downstairs to the kitchen. We are greeted by the pack members that linger in the room, eating their breakfast. Nothing has been cooked this morning, so most people are having toast or cereal.

Snagging two bagels from the basket on the counter, Phoenix finds us a seat at the bar. I spread a thin layer of cream cheese on my cut bagel and begin to eat, barely tasting it.

Caine enters the room and prepares his own breakfast, avoiding my gaze. I furrow my brows and speak, "Good morning, Caine." His head whips to look at me and he grimaces.

"Good morning, Dahlia." He then nods at Phoenix. "Alpha." He takes a seat two spaces to the left of me, focusing his attention on his bowl of cereal.

The room is very quiet now, most of the other pack members having moved upstairs to get ready for the day. Just the soft sound of Caine's spoon clinking against the bowl.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Caine clears his throat and looks over at me. "I'm leaving the territory for a little while."

I furrow my brows and meet his gaze. Caine is leaving? I start racking my brain for reasons why he would leave so suddenly.

Phoenix lets out an irritated sigh and looks past me at Caine. "I thought we agreed that I would tell her after you left?"

"I know, but she deserves to know," Caine says, lowering his gaze back to his bowl.

I shake my head and reach over to Caine, placing my hand on his arm. "What? Where are you going?"

Phoenix sighs again and wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Caine is part of the preliminary search group for your father and his followers."

"A search group?" I exclaim, my voice jumping an octave. My gaze bobs back and forth between Phoenix and Caine. "That's suicide. My father will kill anyone from this pack on sight."

Caine turns in his chair and lowers his head into a bow. It seems more out of respect than shame. "That may be true, but it is my duty as Beta to lead any tactical forces when the Alpha is unable to. That includes search teams." He raises his head to meet my gaze, his eyes hardening from their usual soft green-blue to a harsh forest green. "It is also my duty to protect the Luna from all threats, no matter who they may be. To not do so would mean my death."

His harsh, serious tone shocks me and I lean back in my seat. Is this really the same carefree man who chatted about his childhood for hours just yesterday? His words also confuse me. "Your death?"

"That's enough, Caine, thank you," Phoenix says, interrupting Caine before he can answer me. Phoenix abruptly stands, looking at the clock on the stove. "We need to head out. Let's go, my love."

I shake away the hand he places on my arm. "Wait, I don't understand." I stand as well, stepping towards Caine. "How long will you be gone?"

Caine glances behind me at Phoenix and says, "We're not sure. We'll search until we catch their scents and then we'll call-," he abruptly stops mid-sentence. He touches his throat as if his words are stuck there.

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