Misunderstanding - Treebark (Secret Life/Hermitcraft Season 9)

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(Requested by VanillaCupcake1020 )

Martyn ducked past Grian the moment session one was over, the blonde was calling his name but he didn't want to talk to Grian. Not after the stunt he pulled by putting a statue of a Watcher in the game. Besides, Martyn had more important things to do than talk to a pesky macaw.

He had to find Ren.

Martyn had been white-listed on the Hermitcraft server for years but he only really used it for charity events and meeing up with Grian or Pearl. This time when he went to the server hub and typed in the ip address for Hermitcraft he had something completely different in mind. Why Ren hadn't been in the last two installments of the series was beyond him. Nobody knew. Grian said he asked Ren if he was going to sign up and Ren ghosted him which didn't sound like Ren at all.

In fact, any time the Hermits brought up Limited Life or their newest installment, Secret Life, Ren avoided the question and talking about it all together. He often changed the subject and deflected with a question that was completely off topic. Eventually Martyn found himself on Hermitcraft, he hadn't been here in a while and had zero clue where Ren's base was. Luckily for him Xisuma saw him log on and was immediately by his side.

"Hey Martyn! How's the new season going?" X asked, a smile on his face.

Martyn smiled, "Going good! Do you know where Ren's base is?" He asked, Xisuma nodded.

"Yeah but I saw him near Decked Out so if you wanted to see him I'd check there," He said.

"Thanks X," Martyn said, walking away from the helmeted man.

He didn't see Xisuma shake his head with a small smile, honestly, Martyn wouldn't have cared. He had things to do. As Martyn approached Tango's decked out game and he felt himself freeze up a little. He hadn't seen Ren in... Well... Over a year now. He didn't know how the man would react to seeing him.

Apparently, well.

Because as Martyn walked around the side of the building, to make sure he wouldn't have to go in he felt himself suddenly hit the ground. Martyn let out a small 'oof' sound and that's when he realized why he fell. Ren. Ren held him close, he buried his face in Martyn's neck despite being taller than the blonde, tail wagging furiously. Martyn was shocked but he wrapped his arms around the wolf hybrid anyway.

"Hi," Ren said, Martyn chuckled.

"Hello, you alright?" He asked, patting Ren's back.

"I'm fine Dude," Ren replied, "Sorry I kinda just attacked you..." He said shyly before getting off of Martyn and standing, holding out a hand for him.

Martyn took it gratefully and stood too, "Nah that's okay, I've been through worse today!"

Ren tilted his head to the side like a confused dog (because he was), "What do you mean?"

"The new life series was today," Ren noticeably stiffened, and Martyn decided to just cut to the chase, "Where were you today?"

The wolf hybrid looked guilty, his head went down and he stared at the grass beneath his feet, "What happened today? Did you go yellow or som-"

Martyn cut him off, "Ren, no." He said, causing Ren to snap his head back up, "That might work on Grian or Impulse but it doesn't work on me. Where were you? Where have you been?" He asked softly.

"I-..." He sighed, "Martyn you don't understand... I-I can't keep doing this."

Martyn stared at him very confused, "Why?"

"It's like- it's torture. Maybe everyone else sees it as a fun game but I don't..." Ren said sadly.

"Torture as in? What? How?" Martyn knew how but he didn't want to admit it.

"I have to watch all my friends die or kill them myself!" He said, "I mean- you and I we're-...this relationship isn't normal is it?" Martyn stared at Ren in shock.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The blonde felt like he couldn't breathe, his heart beating out of his chest.

Ren sighed, "What are we Martyn? Do you even know?" He asked gently.

No. No Martyn didn't know but Ren didn't either. Was that such a bad thing? Nobody knew what Scar and Grian were either and it wasn't seen as odd, why was this abnormal?

"Well no... but-!" Ren cut him off by lifting a hand to stop him.

"Exactly, see? What is this? What's going on? Why can't we talk about it?" Ren asked rhetorically.

"What do you want to be?" Martyn replied.

Ren sighed and let out a chuckle, though there was no humor in it, "I genuinely don't think it matters anymore..." He said.

"Why?" The blonde asked.

"Tango told me about you and Scott, I don't think there really needs to be a conversation between us. You've chosen and it would be rude of me to try and break that up."

Martyn was in shock, did Ren think him and Scott were dating? Because they weren't. Martyn loved Ren, why would he think that?

"I-... me and Scott aren't-" The brunette cut him off again.

"I know Martyn, you don't need to tell me..." Ren said, his ears going down and pressing flat to his head as he walked away.

Martyn grabbed his wrist, "Ren please listen! Me and Scott aren't a thing we- no!" He looked at Ren with pleading eyes.

"Martyn just let me leave..." Ren said with a sad lilt to his voice.

"No! We should talk about us, Ren please!" Martyn exclaimed.

Ren gave him a sad smile and shook his head, pulling his wrist away, "There is nothing for us to talk about," He said before pulling out a rocket and launching into the air on elytra.

Martyn couldn't exactly follow so he just stood there, dumbfounded. Ren had left him. Ren was gone. All over a huge misunderstanding. Martyn felt like he was going to puke, his heart sinking to his stomach. He should have just asked where Ren's base was and tried to talk but instead Martyn logged out. Maybe if he hadn't been so stupid this wouldn't have happened. He should have clarified sooner. He was lost, unsure of what to do. He should have visited after Limited Life, but he was scared. How stupid could he have been?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 27 ⏰

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