E.T. - Flower Husbands (Empires 1)

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Jimmy, simply put, was a siren. As a siren he could do 5 things; 1. Breathe underwater, 2. When he touches water he gets a tail, 3. With his siren voice he can manipulate anyone to do anything he wants them too, 4. He has water powers, and 5. When he sings people fall in love with him. It's dumb, really, he found out about this power of his when he was really young which made the power even weirder then if already was. Thus why he never sings unless he's alone.

Scott, as an angel-elf hybrid, is immune to love spells. Since angels are meant to be pure, (which Scott is definitely not pure but he chooses to ignore that). Meaning he has zero clue that Jimmy's singing puts a spell on people. So, when he shows up in Jimmy's empire for a trade they planned and he hears Jimmy singing he is obviously intrigued.

Jimmy was sat on the edge of the dock, legs dangling over the edge hovering just above the water. He was leaning back on his hands, eyes closed, cod head off placed next to him on the wood. Scott stands there for a moment or two just listening to him sing, Scott thinks he looks very pretty. Granted, Scott had always thought Jimmy was pretty. With his fluffy blonde hair, green eyes, and light freckles that dusted his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose. The angel's face heats up as he realizes he's staring. Scott quickly turns away and walks up to Jimmy tapping him on the shoulder. Jimmy jolts back and his eyes shoot open, he stops singing instantly and covers his mouth, face full with shock.

"Your singing is beautiful Jimmy, but I think we have a trade that needs to get done?" Jimmy looks him over, eyes wide, like he's searching for something.

"Do you feel ok?" Jimmy blurts, Scott tilts his head, he's a little confused.

"Yeah? Now come on," Scott offers the siren a hand and Jimmy takes it, standing up.

Jimmy is still looking him up and down, as if he's waiting for something to happen to Scott. Scott ignores this and pulls a shulker box out of his inventory, placing it on the ground.

"Ok, so, there's 3 stacks of green, yellow, and white wool in the box," Scott explains, Jimmy nods though Scott is sure he is not listening as he stares intently at the cyannette. "And you have the slime, right?" Jimmy's attention suddenly snaps back to the conversation and he clears his throat.

"Right, right, yes," Jimmy hands Scott another shulker box, which inside holds at least 5 stacks of slime. "What did you need all this slime for anyway?" He asks.

"Leads," Scott answers simply, "It's difficult to lead livestock around with just seeds or carrots, so it would be so much easier to have a rope," He explains, putting the box in his inventory. "What about the wool?"

"Need it for a build," Jimmy pauses as if his contemplating something, "Are you sure you feel ok?" He asks, voice a little softer then usual.

"Are you? You've been acting weird since I got here," Scott crosses his arms.

"Well, yeah! I mean, you heard me singing. So I'm a bit worried about you, that's all!" Scott feels more confused then he did at the start of the conversation.

"Do you think your singing is that bad?" Scott asks, raising a brow at the blonde.

"No, this is not a self-confidence issue," Scott decides to bite back the 'very rare for you' comment on his tongue, "It's a magic issue," He says.

"Oh really, what kind of 'magic issue'?" Scott does air quotes when he says 'magic issue'.

"Of the siren variety," Jimmy says, he seems almost embarrassed.

Thing is, Scott has no clue Jimmy is a siren, so now he's triple confused.

Scott squints at him, "Ok?"

"Are you sure you're alright, no...um...feelings?" Jimmy's face is glowing red from embarrassment.

"Let's see, I feel....." Scott thinks for a moment, "Normal? I don't really know what you're asking me,"

"I-" Jimmy sighs, "Like....love feelings, Scott," Scott's eyes widen and he stumbles back slightly in surprise.

"No! Goodness no!" Of course this is a lie, Scott really does like Jimmy but he's not just gonna straight up admit that.

"Really?" Jimmy asks, his gaze confused yet hopeful.

"Yup! No feelings like that at all! Why?" Scott is now back to being very confused.

"Because, when a siren sings people fall in love with them. So I wanted to make sure you weren't in love with me or something,"

"You're a siren?" Scott asks.

"Well, yeah," Jimmy responds.

"Oh, yeah, no. Love spells don't work on angels," Scott explains.

"Thank the gods!" Jimmy looks relieved.

"That isn't to say I don't like you like that though," Scott blurts, and he has zero clue why.

He mentally smacks himself when he sees the look on Jimmy's face, he looks stunned.

"You- you what?" Scott takes a quick breath in through his nose and turns to leave.

"Well, thank you for the slime! I'll see you later! Ok bye!" He quickly runs off, pushing off into the sky and flying away.

"That was embarrassing, really embarrassing," Scott thinks to himself.

The next time Scott sees Jimmy is a week later at a House Blossom meeting. When it's over Scott quickly tries to leave only to be dragged by the wrist into a closet by the one person he was trying to avoid. Jimmy. His cod head is on his head this time so Scott cannot see his face.

"Jimmy, why are we in a supply closet?" Scott asks, voice accusing.

He's desperately trying to ignore his racing heart, Scott had always been known for being extremely confident with his 'I need to flirt with every man in an 100 foot radius' attitude. But for some reason Jimmy made him really nervous.

"I think you know why," Jimmy responds, taking off the cod head and placing it on the floor beside the two men.

"I really don't," Scott attempts to play dumb, it doesn't work.

"You can't just tell me you have feelings for me and run off Scott!" Jimmy complains, waving his hands around wildly as he speaks.

Scott chokes back a small laugh at Jimmy's actions.

"And why not?" He asks.

"Because- because-..." Jimmy groans and puts his hands on Scott's face pulling him in for a kiss. It's very chaste and Scott squeaks, not expecting it, "That's why!" He exclaims.
Scott stands there stunned for a few moments.

"Woah..." Is all he says.

"I probably shouldn't have done that," Jimmy mutters, looking down at the floor.

In a sudden spurr of confidence, Scott speaks up, "Do it again," Jimmy's head shoots up, eyes wide.

"What?" His face is flushed red.

"You heard me, don't make me repeat myself," Scott says sternly.

Jimmy just nods and leans down to lock their lips again, this time Scott is able to kiss back. It feels like fireworks are going off in Scott's chest, he places his arms around Jimmy's neck as Jimmy's hands land on his waist pulling him closer. When they pull back again, Jimmy puts their foreheads together. Both are breathing heavily, and Jimmy begins to laugh softly.

"What's so funny?" Scott asks.

"That somehow you like me of all people," He's smiling, but Scott really doesn't like that sentence.

"And what's so bad about you?" Scott asks, Jimmy opens his mouth to respond, but Scott just cuts him off with another kiss before pulling back and saying, "Rhetorical question, also the answer is nothing so don't even," Jimmy laughs again.

"Ok, ok,"

If when they left that closet Katherine had some questions, well...that was for them to know.

And Katherine of course.


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