You say I shouldn't love you (But I do) - Scarian (Double Life × Hermitcraft)

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Grian respawned in his bed on Hermitcraft, his brain was a little hazy for a moment before he remembered everything. Getting into a screaming match with Scar, cheating on him, making him cry. He lost his best friend. Grian, was a fucking idiot. He shot up and immediately flew to Scar's house. He had to apologize. He needed to make sure that Scar didn't hate him. Of course if he did Grian deserved it. He remembered the last conversation they had before he lost their last life and it wasn't pretty.



"Don't you get it, Grian?" Scar had remained calm throughout their fight.

"WHAT DON'T I GET?!" Grian crossed his arms, tears welled up in Scar's eyes.

He laughed, but it wasn't a normal laugh, it was teary and sad. Scar sounded seriously upset.

"I love you, G? I always have. Since you devoted your life to me back in the desert. I love you so so much it hurts sometimes because I know you don't feel that way," Another sad laugh came from Scar as he looked down at the ground, "So yeah, I was jealous of Bigb," He looked back up into Grian's eyes, "I was jealous that he got your love and affection and I didn't, it was selfish of me and I'm sorry," Scar had tears streaming down his face now.

Grian was stunned, Scar couldn't love him. He couldn't. There was no way. No one loved him. That's not how it worked. And the thing was that he didn't love Bigb.

"You- you are a fucking liar!" Grian exclaimed, this made Scar flinch, "You can't just say shit like that to me!" Grian had began crying as well.

"I'm not," Scar responded, "G-" Scar grabbed Grian's hands but Grian pulled back, "I love you, I really do," He smiled sadly.

"You know what? Fuck you Scar!" And with that, Grian walked away.

Scar didn't even try to follow he just stood there, heart broken.


Upon landing at the elf's tree he saw Scar tending to a bush nearby. It seemed to be dying, Grian didn't move a muscle. Now he was here he didn't know what to do, he was frozen. Scar must've felt eyes on him because he turned around and his gaze locked with Grian's.

He seemed shocked, Grian braced himself for the inevitable scolding he was going to get for his actions. Maybe Scar would go easy on him and not yell at him? Or maybe...maybe Grian was about to lose maybe the only person who's ever loved him? Scar did none of those things, opting to instead smile and excitedly run up to Grian wrapping the avian in a hug. Grian chirped with shock, his wings flapping aimlessly behind him.

"Are you ok?" Scar asked, pulling back from Grian. He began to pat Grian down slightly, "Anything hurt? Are you injured?" His eyebrows were furrowed in worry, Grian stared at him for a few seconds. Blue eyes meeting green, until he remembered he needed to answer.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ok!" He smiled, "Are you?"

"Of course! I'm the strongest person ever!" Scar joked, a bright smile coming over his face.

"And somehow I managed to make you cry?" Grian whispered, Scar still heard it and his face fell.

Watching Scar go from jokey to upset in a matter of seconds because of something Grian had said, hurt. His heart ached for the brunette, it was like he watched someone kick a puppy.

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