I love you, I promise. - Ethubs (Hermitcraft)

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Bdubs had a strict sleep schedule, he went to bed at 8:30 and woke up at 6:30 every single night. Except tonight, you see, when you have a boyfriend as nocturnal as Etho, you have to be willing to stay up a little later then normal. However, what Bdubs didn't expect was to be up at 1:45 am on a Sunday night (now Monday morning). He had been helping Etho with a Redstone project that he need all hands on deck for, this meant that Bdubs wasn't the only one helping. Impuse, Doc, and Ren were helping out too. If you asked Bdubs he would not be able to tell you how all of these men stayed wide awake when he was two Redstone repeaters from collapsing. If you asked the others their answer was simple, coffee, like, a butt-load of coffee. Oh! That and Bdubs was pretty sure Etho and Doc were vampires!

Bdubs was setting the ticks on the Redstone Repeater on the ground in front him, it was getting harder and harder to keep himself awake. Bdubs had been out here since noon and he honestly didn't mind it, sure the Glare hybrid got panic attacks when he was in the dark and he enjoyed sleeping but he also enjoyed spending time with Etho. Since he was a bat.

"Hey dude, you alright?" Ren asked, as he walked over to get more materials.

Bdubs blinked slowly at him, "Yeah, just kinda tired," He offered up a smile, but all Ren did was look worried.

"You know... You can go tell Etho you're tired, right? He'll be fine with you leaving, you should take care of yourself dude," Bdubs just continued to smile.

"I'm fine Ren! Don't worry about me!" Then he went back to setting ticks.

Ren opened his mouth to say something but he clearly decided against it. Opting to instead just walk away.

It was around 3:00 am that they finally finished the giant fireworks display thingy, to be honest Bdubs didn't really know what it was or what it did but he really didn't care because seeing the look on Etho's face was all that mattered. The man all but beamed at the contraption in front of the 5 of them, Bdubs walked over to Etho and placed his head on his shoulder. Etho absent-mindedly placed hid arm around Bdubs' waist pulling him closer and pressing a quick kiss to the top of the brunettes head through his mask. Which surprised Bdubs enough to flinch.

"Thank you guys for helping me," He said turning back to his friends, arm remaining around Bdubs's waist.

"No problem man, this was super fun," Doc said, Ren nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! If you need anything else I'm sure we'd all be glad to help!" Impulse responded, as bright and energetic as ever.

To Bdubs; Impulse reminded him of a kangaroo, always full of energy and jumping around all happily.

They all said their goodbyes and the three Redstoners went back to their bases. Bdubs rested his head on Etho's shoulder again and yawned.

Etho just laughed and smiled at his boyfriend, "We should probably get you to bed 'Dubs," Etho said, Bdubs only nodded his brain was mush at this point.

Etho began to walk in the direction of the Monolith when Bdubs grabbed his wrist stopping him in his tracks.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Um the Monolith?" Etho said, as if it was obvious.

"Why? I thought you started your base?" Bdubs knew about Etho living in his basement, though, he moved out a while ago, and by a while ago he means 5 months ago.

Etho didn't respond to this however, he just laughed and twisted his wrist so his hand was now intertwined with Bdubs's own. Then he began to walk backwards, still facing Bdubs. Bdubs thought this was a terrible idea because if Etho tripped he would go down with him.

C!Mcyt Oneshots (REQUESTS ARE OPEN)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora