Aurora - Flower Husbands (Empires 1)

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I see you light up the sky, a dance in the night, Aurora. - Aurora by K-391 & RØRY

Scott dragged Jimmy behind him by his wrist, they ran up the steps of the castle and to the balcony doors. Which Scott threw open and brought Jimmy over to the edge to look over the crowds of people excited for the Aurora Festival. The Aurora Festival was a festival put on by Rivendell every year around new years, yes the northern lights could be seen every night in Rivendell but the end of the year is special because that's when they are the brightest. The people of Rivendell come together to celebrate the event, food stalls, games, and a parade happen every year during the festival. Everyone from every empire was invited to come and enjoy the festivities.

As well as the lantern lighting ceremony done by the Royal family of Rivendell. The lantern lighting ceremony was done as a nod to all the empires Rivendell was allied with as well as acknowledging the family living in the castle. Lanterns with themes of the empires allied would be lit and set i to the sky as well as a lantern for every member of the family in the castle.

For the past couple of years Scott had been doing it alone, his brother had disappeared and his parents had died. So he was alone, but for the first time in 10 years he had someone to share this special ceremony with. Jimmy, The Codfather. He was excited because he had spent all his time since he was 15 hoping one day, he would have somebody to light a lantern for. But that day never came, till recently.

Rivendell had been allied with The Cod Empire for centuries, Scott had known Jimmy since he was born and the two had been friends but they barely talked. 3 years ago they got a lot closer due to the recent ally-ship with The Ocean Empire. The ruler being Jimmy's sister, Lizzie. Lizzie had basically set them up and during July this year Jimmy proposed and of course he had said yes. The two were inseparable and tonight Scott was going to make it official that Jimmy was apart of Rivendell.

Scott was leaning on the railing griping it tightly, lost in his own thoughts as he felt the winter wind rush by him. He took a deep breathe and felt a hand on top of his own. Scott turned to see his fiance, who hadn't taken off the codhead yet.

"Are you gonna take that off for the ceremony or are you just gonna be a cod?" Scott teased, tilting his head to the side slightly.

Jimmy laughed and took the codhead off placing it on the ground beside a lantern, "I'm already a cod Scott," He said, Scott thought Jimmy was stunning.

Tan skin, blonde fluffy hair, green eyes, and freckles that dusted across his nose bridge and cheeks. Scott felt himself flush from staring at Jimmy for too long, he quickly looked back down at the crowd.

"Siren cod, your like some sort of god- oh wait," Jimmy laughed again and Scott felt the weight and warmth on his hand disappear.

Only to feel it reappear around his waist as Jimmy wrapped his arms around Scott's middle, Jimmy rested his head on Scott's shoulder pressing himself into Scott's back. Scott could feel Jimmy's breath on his neck and shivered slightly.

He turned his head slightly to face Jimmy, "Comfortable back there?"

"Very," Jimmy leaned closer to Scott to give him a quick kiss on the lips.

Scott chuckled softly, "I'm glad but we have to start now," Jimmy groaned and removed himself from Scott now standing beside him, "We can cuddle later Sunflower," Jimmy rolled his eyes.

Scott smiled at him then used his powers to turn a tree to ice to get everyone's attention.

"Hello! And welcome to the Aurora Festival, I hope you are all having a great night!" Scott exclaimed, Jimmy looked nervous beside him, Scott grabbed his hand and rubbed soothing circles into the back of it.

Looking out into the crowd Scott saw some people he recognized, Katherine and Shubble were standing near the front of the crowd. Lizzie and Joel were somewhere in the mix twords the back.

"To start this ceremony me and The Codfather will light the lanterns for our allies first!" The crowd roared at the mention of Jimmy and he awkwardly waved, grabbing a purple lantern with The House Blossom Banner printed on it.

He lit in then announced, "Queen Katherine of House Blossom," letting it go and watching it float.

Scott smiled and grabbed a green one, "Emperor Shrub of the Undergrove!"

This cycle continued till Scott gabbed the last one, "King Jimmy of the Cod Empire!" Letting it go and watching it float. Jimmy smiled at the lantern.

There were two more lanterns, "Normally, as I'm sure you all know I would be doing this last one, alone," Scott announced, "To represent my family, its my lantern and mine alone," Scott felt tears well up in his eyes but he choked them back. "However, this year, I am accompanied by Jimmy, The Codfather, and my fiance," Jimmy blushed at the loud roar from the crowd.

Together they lit their lanterns, "Have a great night everyone, may we survive another year," Scott announced as he and Jimmy let go of their lanterns.

Unlike the Cod Empire's lantern Jimmy's lantern was not green. Jimmy's lantern he got to do himself, its was a light blue lantern with a red poppy on it. Scott's was cyan, golden antlers as a sign of Aeor on it. Once the two lanterns were up on the air the crowd exploded in cheers and claps, Jimmy pulled Scott into his side and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

"I love you Petal," He whispered.

Scott smiled up at Jimmy, "I love you too,"

After the crowd had gotten back to doing activities, Scott took Jimmy's hand lightly and lead him down and out of the castle. They walked up a hill and Scott sat down in the snow on the edge, Jimmy copied and sat beside him. Scott let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, hand still intertwined in Jimmy's. The Aurora Borealis shined across the sky, streaks of blue, purple, pink and green covering the sky in a pleasent and beautiful display.

"It's beautiful," Scott said absent-mindedly.

"It sure is," Jimmy responded.

But a quick glance in Jimmy's direction revealed Jimmy wasn't looking at the lights, he was looking directly at Scott. Scott felt his face go red, the flush spreading to the tips of the elves ears.

"Your a flirt," Scott said, rolling his eyes.

Jimmy put a hand on Scott's face, cupping it and rubbing his thumb up and down softly. Scott felt his face get redder.

"Only for you, Petal," Scott smiled and leaned in to capture the cod-hybrid's lips in a kiss.

Jimmy kissed back instantly, slow passion bleeding into it. It was slow at first but as Scott started to lean so he was laying on his back in the snow, Jimmy hovered above him, never breaking it. The kiss got a lot more heated, Scott had gripped Jimmy's shirt in his hand and pulled him down, getting impossibly closer. They pulled apart after a while due to the need of oxygen and Jimmy laid his head on Scott's chest, Scott ran his fingers through the sirens hair.

"You can't fall asleep here," Scott quietly reminded.

"Why not?" Jimmy asked.

"Because, people," Jimmy scoffed.

"I don't care about people," Scott laughed.

"Ok, I love you Jimmy,"

"I love you too Scott,"

And if the two had drifted off to sleep on that cliff in the snow only to wake up the next morning and almost fall off the cliff? That was for them to know.

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