"The evidence will prove his guilt." It took a long time for the DNA results to come out.

Two seagulls were calling to each other. I've got a fish. I've got some garbage some uncaring human left behind. Another said I pooped on their head. He and Sophie used to chase the birds.

"Where are you?" Trinity asked.

"The beach with Ivy." Ivy looked at him.

"Your sister's friend?"

"She's my friend." He put his arm around her and pulled her close.

"You didn't tell her?"

Nick paused. "I didn't have to. Trin, I was on Facetime with her when you showed up. She knows, but she's trustworthy. I trust her completely."

"She's the one. You like her!"

Nick looked into Ivy's eyes. "Yeah, I like her a lot."

Ivy stifled a gasp. On the phone, Trinity was talking but his focus was on her expressive brown eyes.

Trinity said, "I guess you need to go."

"Yeah, but I'll check in with you later." They didn't do all night calls anymore.

Ivy whispered. "You told her."

He smirked. "What did I tell her?"

She pushed his shoulder. "About us. You like me."

"I like you, but I'm..."

"Scared. I know, but it makes it exciting. Think of Will and Kat. Their love was stronger than the hurt. There are tons of couples who overcame difficulties. Your parents."

"I don't want to talk about them." He moved his face close to Ivy's. She licked her lips and just the sight of her pink tongue caused a twitch in his pants. He reminded himself it wasn't like his first night with Trinity. A kiss or two would not lead to sex. He respected her too much. He loved her too much.

Unable to hold back his lips brush softly against hers. She leaned into his lips and they moved in sync, tasting and teasing. With his hand on the small of her back, he pulled her closer. His body forgot she was a nice girl. When their tongues met, she moaned, and he intensified the kiss.

When they finally came up for air, his heart pounded. Ivy looked at him. "Please don't tell me it was a mistake."

He shook his head. "Not a mistake." He kissed her again. They stayed on the beach kissing until the sun disappeared behind them.

When his phone buzzed, Ivy said, "Don't."

But he looked at it. "It's Sophie. She wants to know why neither of us came home from work."

"Tell her we're on the beach. She'll know."

Nick shut his eyes. His twin knew before he had. "Does she know you like me?"

Ivy laughed. "Everyone knows I like you."

"Everyone? Your mother?" She nodded. "My mother?"

She gave him the eye. He laughed. If Kristi knew then his mother knew, and his father, and the list went on.

He sighed. "I suppose we can't keep this to ourselves."

Ivy laughed. "Nope."

They walked home hand in hand. "Do you want to come in and face Sophie with me?"

She giggled. "No. Call me when you wake up."

Nick nodded and stood on the street until she disappeared inside. When he opened the door Sophie bounced. "Long walk?"

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