27 - Vacation

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Nick coined it the summer of change. Every time he went to work there was something new to learn. As they approached the end of June, he had learned to make five new salads. Thanks to social media, word spread about the new variety. Families came for dinner and the mothers had a healthier option. Men ordered the salads too, even his father joked about the pesto shrimp salad helping his waistline. Nick was pretty sure it was running every day. Will ordered a salad every time he came in for a meal, which was often. Nick wondered if there was something more with the friendship between his boss and the wide receiver.

It was the last day of school, and excitement filled his house. Growing up, it was fun to share the last day with his mother. Nick would miss his father singing Alice Cooper when he came home from work. 'School's out for summer. School's out forever' played in his head as people stopped to eat after the afternoon on the beach. It felt like summer outside and he had sat on the beach for a while before work.

Having Ben and Sophie working full-time jobs left him with a lot of time on his hands. Going to the beach alone was new for him. Luckily, Kristi and Ivy walked over and sat down next to him. He smiled as he listened to Kristi gossiping. Working at The Landing, he knew more secrets than his mother's nosey best friend.

"How is your mother celebrating?"

He shrugged. "Same as every year, my aunt and uncle are coming over."

"How's baby Henry?"

"He's good. Victoria and Matthew are crazy about him."

Kristi laughed. "Your parents were crazy over you too."

Nick shook his head. "They were overwhelmed with twins and split up. You remember when they weren't together."

Ivy looked at Nick. "What are you talking about?"

He tried to remember, but it was fuzzy. "My dad lived in town and we stayed with him. I remember his house, but then I remember our birthday and my Mom was there. We lived in the apartment when our house was being built so it all runs together."

Kristi put her hand on his wrist. "Honey, it was a long time ago. They always loved each other, but sometimes even adults are stupid. You should know, you're an adult." She slapped his wrist.

"Mom, don't hit Nick."

Kristi looked at Ivy. "I was teasing him. What I want to talk about is who the investors are. No one is saying anything."

"They eased up and are letting Kat make some changes."

"Construction on the porch starts after the Fourth. Alex said it'll be done by the end of the summer."

"We're hiring too. Kat had a great idea to hire people to work the lunch and dinner rush who just take orders and get drinks."

"Like at McDonald's?" Kristi laughed to herself.

"Yeah, kind of. Nick and I get to fill orders together."

Nick smiled. "Saturdays are fun with the dinner menu. It's crazy busy."

"She wants to clone one of us so she has coverage for our nights off. She works a ton," Ivy said.

Nick nodded. "Wait until she's baking every day."

Ivy frowned. "We'll be gone."

Kristi sat forward. "She doesn't need to clone you. Wasn't Sophie complaining that her internship didn't pay enough? Maybe she could work some evening shifts."

Nick shook his head. "She was bragging she's an alum."

Kristi shrugged. "You should ask her. Now how are we going to solve the mystery."

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