33 - Again

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Kat wiped the sweat from her brow. She had been baking since six am. The aroma filled the air and almost every customer called over to ask what was in the oven. Janice worked the morning shift while Kat baked.

"It's a surprise." She teased, but the scent of the double chocolate gave it away.

Sunday, Wednesday and Fridays were specialty muffin days. Kate had also started to make the standard muffins they served daily. Saturday evenings, she served date night desserts, and Tuesday was also dessert night. Thursday afternoons, she made fresh cookies just in time for the school busses. People drove across the causeway from two or three towns away for her baked goods. Some asked to put in orders.

"Soon," she responded, but she needed to hire more staff before she could increase her baking hours. Kat hadn't asked the man yet.

Let the profits from the improved Saturday sales warm his frosty heart. She had put through another request for a latte machine which was quickly denied. It was true she agreed to no lattes when they agreed to the addition, but each time she wished he would give in. Frustrated, she made the mistake of sending a venting text to Will. He sent back laughing emojis and the message; I told you so. Traitor, she cursed.

She turned to hear laughter coming from the porch. Ivy's mom was having her Wednesday morning coffee date with the Bennetts. Jen had strung fairy lights which looked amazing after dark. They had held the first coffeehouse in the larger space. Patrons filled every seat and her entrees sold out an hour before the show.

A Yelp review listed The Landing as a great Saturday night date. The girl who didn't date made it possible for others to enjoy themselves. With her muffins baked, she went to work cleaning her baking area. Hopefully, she would have time for a shower and email before the lunch rush. As soon as the temperature dropped, she planned to add soup to the menu. Thankfully, the man had approved the idea.

After her shower, she didn't have time to compose an email, so she sat down to look at her phone. Will had sent a picture of a platter of muffins. Pathetic. Not like yours.

I thought you were off sweets.

Her phone rang. "I wouldn't touch those."

"What are you doing?"

"Sitting around. I'm at the studio waiting to say a few lines for a commercial."


"Its good money."

She laughed. "Because you're so poor."

He just laughed. "Did you get over your rant about not becoming a Starbucks?"

"We need to agree to disagree." Even Martha agreed with The Point people. Don't mess with their lobster rolls or coffee.

She liked how he asked what she had planned for menu items. "I love Saturdays even though I work from six to seven."

"Do you take a break in between?"

"Depends on Martha and Janice. I need more help. The man will probably say Rick didn't have all that help."

Will laughed. "Rick didn't bake or cook meals on Saturday nights."

"You support me. If only the man thought like you."

"They're calling me."

"Don't break the lens."

His laughter cut out when the line went dead. How had he become the friend she liked to talk to every day? With no time to think about it, she went down to help with lunch.

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