55 - Everyone

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Nick had been home for a month, and he and Ivy were spending a lot of time together. They worked together and hung out after work with Sophie and sometimes Ben and Keira. Sophie had started working where she had her internship. Nick predicted she would pick up shifts to earn some extra money, but it was her first professional job and she was getting some experience.

So far Nick hadn't kissed Ivy, but he wanted to. His definition of taking it slow frustrated himself, but it scared him because once he started, he might never want to stop. She wasn't like Trinity. Trinity wasn't like Trinity anymore. He talked to her more than he had the summer before when they were actually dating.

It was a warm day for early June and Nick and Ivy walked to the beach after work. Warm meant people enjoying the beach which led to a dinner rush. Their shift had been busy, but they could handle it. Kat came down to check on them, but they sent her up to Will.

Nick smiled. It was nice to see them together. Kat had jumped up and down and then cried when Will bought her the cottage her grandmother owned. Nick didn't know what they were going to do with it. Will had his condo, but he had practically moved into the apartment upstairs.

Once they hit the sand, Ivy linked her fingers around his. They had held hands before, but it felt different. Nick looked around; it was still light so people could see them. Her mother could walk by with the dog. His grandmother could be on one of her speed walks. Abbie could be hanging out with her friends, but it was a school night, and she had a report to write.

"Let's sit."

Nick nodded and pulled her to the edge of the dunes. When he felt his phone vibrate, he tried not to look at it, but responsibility won out.

"Is it her?"

Nick nodded. "She has no one." It was an exaggeration. She had her parents, counselor, and a support group. "She was so close to her sorority friends, but she has cut them out. It's like she wants to erase her school experience."

"Except you."

"Yeah, I wish she never came to me, but I'm glad she did. I have to help her, but I don't know how."

Ivy squeezed his hand. "Sometimes you are too good of a guy."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, you talk to her everyday when you could be kissing me. But you refuse to kiss me because you don't want to hurt me. Nick, if you ever reject me, it will hurt. If you date someone else, it would kill me. I'm not Sophie."

Even Nick couldn't understand how Sophie managed the on-again off-again relationship with Kevin especially when Kevin took another girl to the prom.

"No one is like Sophie. Maybe she never really liked Kevin."

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. He's not coming home this summer."

Nick shook his head. "He must miss surfing and his family. We don't keep up. He's always too busy."

Ivy leaned into him. "It's hard when you lose touch with a friend. Ben said it's the same with him."

Nick nodded. He and Ben had talked about it. Nick's phone buzzed again. He answered it despite Ivy's frown.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Did you see the news?"

"I was at work."

"He pleaded not guilty. I know he's guilty."

"That's what they do so it will go to trial."

She sobbed. "I don't want to testify."

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