52 - Commencement

Start from the beginning

"All I know is he's taking care of some stuff in Buffalo. I haven't been bugging him."

"So you'll be home on Sunday?"

"Yup. After the ceremony, we're having a family thing at my aunt's. We leave early on Sunday."

"Back to work and school on Monday morning."

"Do I work?"

Ivy laughed. "No, you start Tuesday training."

"Oh right. I hope it wasn't a mistake to volunteer."

"I'll help."

"Thanks Ivy. You're the best." She didn't respond. When his phone buzzed, he thought it was his family. He frowned. "Um, I have to take this call."

"Okay. Good luck tomorrow. Don't trip."

He stifled his laughter as he switched calls. "Hi. How are you?"


Unsure how to respond, he let silence take over. Last thing she needed to hear about was graduation or frat parties. They spent a lot of time on the phone listening to each other breathe. Nick figured if it helped her, it was the least he could do.

His heart ached for her. The old Trinity would have savored every moment leading up to graduation. He could see her with her sisters in their decorated mortar boards and bottles of champagne. It made him angry how another person could force his will and crush her spirit.

"I, um, looked at socials. It looks like everyone is partying."

"Yeah. I suffered through a warm beer for a few minutes, but I'm in my room now. I can't wait to get the hell out of here."

"You never did like it."

"Not enough, but I hate it even more now. First it was that young girl and then you know. It makes me angry."

"Tell me about it. I started counseling."

"I'm glad."

"Is it okay for me to keep calling?"

"Yeah. Of course. If I don't pick up, it means I'm busy."

She sighed. "I know you work. You know they think my father is dying or something."


"They don't understand why I wouldn't come back to party and march. If my dad was sick, I wouldn't want to do that would I?"

Nick wasn't sure, but he knew the correct answer. "No. You would want to be with him." He stifled a yawn.

"You're tired. You should go."

"We don't have to hang up." Many nights since she left they kept the phone connected until she fell asleep.

"No. It's okay. You have a big day tomorrow. You need to rest."

"Okay. I hope you sleep. Hey, congrats, graduate."

She sighed. "I suppose I am."

Nick didn't ask about the job she had lined up. He didn't think she was in any shape to start a career. Mostly, he was afraid to ask her questions. After he hung up, he called Ivy back.


"Can you talk to me about something nice?"

"It was her?"

"Yeah. I don't know how to help her."

"You're a good guy."

He sighed. "I try to be. Something nice."

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