"Easter!" They both answered.

"Really. No wonder I had a missed call from Aunt Liz. I'll call her after. You're both going home."


"Sorry, Nicky."

"It's okay. I'm counting the weeks." He looked down and tapped a reply to Will's question, what did he hear?

You're my boss and Kat's not happy. Sorry, man.

Yeah it sucks.

Nick took a deep breath. She'll come around.

Maybe. Thanks kid.

"What'd he say?" Sophie asked.

"He sounds down." Nick frowned.

"Let me know if you hear anything. My friends are waiting for me to watch a movie."

"Soph, don't you have schoolwork?"

She laughed. "I'm a senior. I only had easy classes left."

Nick mumbled, "Easy major." Ivy laughed. It was just the two of them left on the call. "How hard is accounting?"

She shrugged. "Depends."

"Do you really like it?"

"Yeah, but it's also a good choice. Even people in Maine need accounting services."

"You're definitely more your dad than your mom."

Ivy laughed, and his dick twitched. They talked about Will and Kat, Nick turned when there was a knock on his door. "I'm not on duty."

As soon as he opened it, Trinity pushed in. "What's going on?"

She was a mess, with smeared makeup under her eyes and tangled hair. "Will you help me?"

"Tell me what happened." His voice was high with alarm.

"I was hanging out at the house with Nolan."

"Your boyfriend?"

She nodded. "I was in his room waiting for him to come back from class and a guy came in. We talked and then he sat next to me and groped me. I told him no, and he wouldn't stop."

Nick's heart pounded. "Did he force you?"

"I screamed and tried to kick him, but he's a linebacker. I couldn't stop him."

"Did he rape you?"

She started crying and shaking and he held her. A faint gasp reminded him that Ivy was still on his screen. He reached over and closed his laptop. He might trust Ivy, but Trinity deserved privacy. "When did it happen?"

"I didn't know who to go to."

It was sad she trusted her ex boyfriend more than her friends. "I'm gonna get help."

Like he did one time before, he texted SOS to Renee with his room number. Campus police would need to investigate and Trinity would have to go to the hospital. He didn't want to be involved, but he couldn't abandon her.

Trinity jumped at the knock on his door. Nick pulled away. "I'll be right back."

He stepped outside. No one was around. It was early evening; the dining hall was still open, but he had eaten earlier. He whispered, "My ex came to me. She was raped."

"On campus?" He nodded. "In the dorms?"

"No, a frat."

"I'll help, but we need campus police. Go wait for them in the lobby."

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