"You love her and she hates you. Sound foundation."

"You hated Ryan once."

"Because he betrayed me. Do you think Kat will take your identity in stride?"

"I haven't ruffled her feathers in a long time." The best part was when she ran to him upset.

"But you did and women have long memories. I wish you could enjoy women without involving your heart."

"Use them?"

"No, be casual."

"I'm not wired that way." His feelings for Kat transcended all his past relationships. "The distance might kill us. Maybe I should wait. If she doesn't want to come to Buffalo, it won't matter if I'm her boss or not."

"Will, if you don't tell her yourself you'll regret it. It's a miracle your secret hasn't leaked yet."

"Can you do me a favor?"


"Can you see if the owners of the cottage on Osprey Lane want to sell? It needs work, but it means a lot to Kat."

"You aren't Ryan. He proved to me he cared about The Point and our friendship when he bought his cottage. Everyone knows how much you care about The Point. I heard mom invited you for Easter."

"I miss the kids, but I want to stay here."

"I get it. You know I moved to be with Ryan. You can't and your business needs Kat."

She told him what he already knew. "That's why I want to be with her now while I can."

"Just protect your heart."

"Too late." His heart wasn't his own anymore. Remembering Sam back in the day, Will felt his heart aching already.

"Maybe you should wait until I'm there to help pick up the pieces."

Will held back complaining that he was a grown man and Lana was acting like a big sister, but he had always looked up to her. Given their age difference, it was unique for them to be as close as they were. He was barely in school when she left for college. He credited Nora for their sibling bond. They bonded over their nagging type-A mother.

Will wavered over when to tell Kat. Lana was right, it would end badly, and he wasn't ready for it to end. Instead, he would enjoyed her friendship and warm body.

A week later, Will waited for Kat to finish up. He felt at home in the little apartment upstairs as he perused social media and caught up with what a few of his teammates were up to. Then he checked the comments on The Landing. When he opened Yelp, he saw a one-star review.

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. It wasn't a critique of the food, but of Kat's past. If invisaboss was a real investor, he would have a right to be angry. Kat withheld her past in her interview, but Will knew the truth about her ex who stole from her. He also knew she was pursuing legal action to reimburse the suppliers. In the meantime, most of her salary went to paying off the debt. She had expressed frustration that her ex hadn't paid his fair share. Because he worked for tips, he hid his income. If Will thought it would make her happy he would pay off her debts.

Hopefully, Kat wouldn't see the review until he had a chance for The Point to rally around her. It was insane that someone from Boston had stuck their nose into Maine. Why were people so petty? Nick and Ivy had pieced together her past, anyone else could as well. He wondered how many others knew her secrets. The one thing they couldn't learn online was the deception and underhandedness of the man she trusted and loved. Sweat formed on Will's back.

Will had to tell her, but how? He would deal with the Yelp comment first. He created an account for the investment group. The talented chef and baker is employed by The Landing, LLC. Her previous business does not affect the food we serve. We support her.

The anonymous coward responded. Wait until she steals from you.

Will gritted his teeth. Her business partner was the thief. Go after him.

The minute he pressed send he regretted it. He said too much. He texted Ivy. Look at Yelp. Get TP to rally.

In two seconds, she responded. On it!

It didn't take long before a string of messages supporting Kat filled the space. Hopefully, they drowned out his stupid response.

When Kat came upstairs happy and oblivious, he was watching TV with his phone off. "Good day?" He forced a smile.

"We had an unusual rush before closing. People were full of compliments."

"That's great, but I've been lonely waiting for you."

She laughed and kissed his forehead. "I need a shower."

"Don't bother getting dressed."

She laughed. "Martha is opening tomorrow."

Will hadn't realized. "She is? We should go to my place."

"Stay. I promise I won't go downstairs until I need to."

He nodded. "Need help washing your hair."

She shook her head. "No need for both of us to get wet."

Will called after her. "Just you, baby."

She laughed and disappeared. After they made love, Will held her. "You know I love you."

She lifted her head to face him. "I know."

"I would do anything for you."

"Quit football and stay here?"

He laughed to hide the pain in his chest. "No. I mean to ease your burdens."

She put her head down and sighed. "Never lie to me."

Will felt his chest crack open. "Kat, if you need money to pay your debts."

"Stop. It's my problem."

"But what's yours is mine, so I want to share what I have with you."

"Will, not tonight. I know you mean well."

"Fine." He poured his heart out to her in the meeting of her lips.

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