She nervously chuckled and wondered if it was not loving him or the fact she might care that had her so uncomfortable. She walked to the counter and smiled at a regular.

"Not taking Sunday off?" They opened later on the weekend. During the week, the marina was empty by six.

"Just doing some maintenance on the boat. The grandkids are coming over later."

She poured two coffees and sent him off with a smile. The other cup was for Will, and as he took it, their fingers brushed. He leaned in, but she turned her head. "You're distracting. I need to get these in the oven before it gets busy."

Sunday mornings started slow, but by eight there would be a constant five or six people in line. Once the muffins were ready, that number doubled.

"I'll leave you, but tonight, you and me. If you don't want to go out, I'll cook for you."

"That's a first."

"Then let's do it. My place at five. Bring your toothbrush."

She laughed. "I have to work in the morning."

"Then I'll bring one to leave here."

After he left, she couldn't stop thinking about an extra toothbrush next to hers. Why had everything seemed easier when it was her and Bryce? Life had gotten in the way. She wasn't young and naïve.

Oliver came in just as she put the muffins in the oven. "How was last night?"

How did he know? Right, duh. "Busy. How about you?"

"Same. March can be weird. Everyone is tired of the cold, so they stay home unless the temperature goes up. There aren't many tourists."

"I suppose it's not a spring break hot spot. I have my two kids home this week."

He nodded. "Beth said they were around. She said Lana is teasing Will about you two."

She shook her head. "It's hard to trust him after... You know what happened."

Oliver paused and said, "Follow your heart. It took me and Beth six years to get the timing right."

"That's a good reason. The timing is off. He spends six months in Buffalo."

"So you go see him."

"What about my job? My baking?"

He shrugged. "Hire someone."

"You forgot I'm just the employee."

She could take two or three days off occasionally, if the man agreed. Will traveled during the season, so it wouldn't be every week. Feeling foolish, because she hadn't seen her parents since Christmas, but she wanted to go to Buffalo. Maybe in the fall, but she couldn't leave in the summer. None of it mattered because the man wouldn't let her. She could leave when her eighteen months were up, but she didn't want to. The Point felt like home. She came as a stranger and had joined the family.

"I gotta go. We're going to the Children's Museum this afternoon. I need to get my prep in early."

Kat thought about all the chopping. It was a part of the job she didn't miss.

Janice came in before Kat took the muffins out of the oven. Kat posted a picture and waited to see who would be first. Janice said Alex, but Kat's money was on John. They were both wrong when Jake Watson stepped through the door.

"The grandkids love your muffins."

Janice teased him that he was too young to be a grandfather. Kat laughed because she used the same line on Mike Bassett. His son would be an uncle while still learning to tie his shoes.

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