Unedited Chpater 12

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A week after recuperating in the hospital he was sent home with Porsche and Tankhun. Macau and Chay organized a small welcome dinner for him, with cake and special snacks.

It's been almost three weeks now, today he was sitting in the inner garden with Pete. His wounds were starting to heal and he was being cared for with so much tenderness. Wei Ying was fidgeting with his bowl of fruit salad as he sat between a stubbornly staring Vegas and a Pete who was avoiding his piercing gaze. A polite doctor named Mill comes to check in on him every day. Porsche and Tankhun make sure that he has breakfast and lunch with them. In the evenings, he joins the family for dinner. Macau and Chay are delighted to have him back, they spend playing games and playing outsides sometimes joined by Kim. He and Khun Vegas hit up random conversations when they discovered they shared a common interest in reading. Vegas also sent a couple of books to Wei Ying's room to keep him occupied when Chay and Macau went to university. Khun Kinn also proposed that he can join the university whenever he is ready and continue his studies. Wei Ying clearly remembers how Porche's eyes brightly lit up at the proposition, he knew that Phi Porsche must be the one who voiced his ideas to Khun Kinn because he already brought it up once. He was thankful that he found such a caring and generous family yet he still felt a tiny bit of worry about waking up from this sweet dream and finding it all to be false. But for now, every bit of it he will cherish.

Wei Ying has also become close to Pete, Pol and Arm, he finds Big, Ken, Dom and a few a bit stiff around him. However, there was one of three Tankhun's guards or Phi Porsche himself to help him relax. He couldn't help but notice the longing stares exchanged between Vegas and Pete or how Vegas recites flirty lines in English around Pete. Wei Ying heard it a few times and brushed it off as workplace banter or something because it wasn't his place to put his nose in their business, moreover, he didn't catch most of the conversation in Thai.

Today, however, they were making it extremely difficult for him to sit still. Porsche was feeding Sora and putting him to sleep and Kinn was also tucked in for today. Wei Ying was fidgeting with his bowl of fruit salad as he sat between a stubbornly staring Vegas and Pete who was on the receiving end of his piercing gaze.

"Khun Vegath please stop glaring, your making the kid nervous."

Vegas simply smiled in return. "Wei Ying are you nervous?" He asked in English.

"No Khun Vegas ."
'I feel more like can you stop looking at Pete Ge without wanting to gobble him up whole? Please? I don't know how to deal with it. Yup, that's how I feel.'

"You heard him, Pete."

Pete sighed, Wei Ying just stood up slowly and excused himself to his room thinking that it was the right thing to do and when Pete stood up to accompany him, Wei Ying spoke softly.

"Phi Pete looks like Khun Vegas wants to talk to you, I would like to go back to my room by myself."

"I'm sure it's nothing, right Khun Vegath?" Pete had a betrayed and pleading look in his eyes.

"It is something." Vegas grinned.

Pete resisted the internal urge to roll his eyes and then kiss him mindlessly and wipe that grin off his face but sadly he can't do either.

"I am still on duty, If you don't mind please spare some time when I'm off duty." Then he walked with Wei Ying by his side towards the main building.

The following evening, Vegas wore a maroon shirt under a black leather jacket and black jeans, his hair neatly made up, he sat on his polished red Ducati superbike, his hands rested on a shiny black helmet.

He waited outside a soup shop a kilometer and a half away from the mansion because that's where Pete decided to rendezvous. A smile crept upon Vegas lips as he saw Pete in his casual outfit head his way. He wore a casual strip shirt, a black oversized shirt to keep it breezy, his hair which was extra fluffy bounced as he walked towards Vegas.

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