Chapter 1

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Kinn Anakinn Theerapranakul fell in love and not just that, he fell in love with chaos. The chaos stirred his flickering flame for love and life. Porsche isn't chaotic, well Kinn pondered on it for a while, then again reeling his thoughts back based on all the mischievous, exhausting, and memorable adventures with his love, Kinn mumbled to himself 'Alright he's a bit chaotic but so loveable, so endearing, so strong and a caring husband and a doting brother not only to Chay but now towards Kim and Macau too.'

Porsche, his dearly beloved was comfortably lying in his arms using his chest as a pillow as he should because Kinn Anakinn wouldn't have it otherwise. Kinn ran his slender long fingers over Porsche's soft strands of hair, recently, Porsche has been hoarding Kinn's Shampoo and all his bathing essentials, because he's too lazy to go shopping, at least that's what he said, but Kinn was aware that it was not the case. Kinn was downright horny from the tip of his toe whenever Porsche smelled like him, wore his comfy clothes, and looked ravishing in his robes. The mere thought of Porsche under him, eyes half-lidden, glistening and flushed had Kinn drooling. The selfish man he is could never have enough of his Porsche. Insatiable to the very core, addictive to every atom in his body.

Tomorrow Kinn had to attend a land deal in England, everything was vetted personally by Porsche and P'Chan over and over again had Kinn sighing at his pouting husband who wouldn't get to keep him company for this two-day weekend trip. Later that night when the couple retired to the room after going over the protocols for the nth time, Kinn was honestly tired but mostly worried about Porsche who was being slightly paranoid.

Porsche settled on the couch lost in thought and trying to loosen his tie, his plum lips pursed together. Kinn settled down next to Porsche and pulled him into a hug.

"I'll be fine Porsche. Don't worry about it, I'll be back before you know it."

Porsche just hummed in response, burring his head under Kinn's chin. Kinn took a whiff of Porsche's homely scent of Sandalwood and faint orange aftershave and Porsche's unique petrichor which Kinn discovered can't be bought anywhere was especially present only on Porsche reserved for Kinn. Porsche rained down on his broken, deserted life and softened him and made his energy flow with vigour now.

"You smell heavenly Babe," Kinn whispered deep and low into Porsche's hair and gave a light kiss.

Porsche groaned and separated from him. "First of all, I haven't showered and second, it's just a silly cold and you are keeping me home. I want to come with you and be there to protect you."

"Love, we decided that on your day off you'll relax at home, now with the online classes and training our guards and babying our brothers and," Kinn slipped his hands around Porsche's waist, the auto magnet to Kinn's hands, Kinn smiled "loving me passionately every night until your throat is dry, I want my baby to rest too so that he is energetic and chaotic every single day."

"But Kinn,"

"I'll be taking Big and Ken with me, moreover, Vegas is also coming with me. Do you think anything can get past him? I'll call you whenever I can and keep you updated. If you keep frowning like this you'll turn 50 next month."

"Kinnn, I don't even have a high temperature. I sneezed once."

"You look a little exhausted Mister, please stay home and rest. I'll come back safely on Monday and let's go to that cafe you've been talking about. Deal?"

"Alright, for you, just this once."

Kinn placed a quick kiss on Porsche's cheeks and gently nosed at it.

Porsche pulled away gently and rose to his feet making Kinn stand on his feet which were still hanging off Porche's waist.

"Since you think I'm sick and you have an important meeting this weekend, I don't want to pass on my cold. So let's sleep with pillows in between or I have a better idea, why don't you take the couch tonight or go sleep in your elder brother's room? I'm sure he will be happy to spend the night with you. Sure you wouldn't want to spend time with a 50-year-old." Porsche stomped his feet and headed towards the bathroom without an afterthought leaving a perplexed Kinn behind.

KinnPorsche - a little bit of this and that of TheerapanyakunsWhere stories live. Discover now