Unedited Chapter 9

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Macau, Chay and Wei Ying were in the garden playing and the former two giggling like five-year-olds, Wei Ying was trying to catch a cheerful Macau and Chay with a blindfold around his eyes. Macau, Chay and Wei Ying became a trio immediately. Wei Ying was no longer limping, his arms completely healed and a healthy glow was starting to show on his face. He looked at Vegas with curiosity, he was nervous around Kinn when they ate together. He was struck to Porsche or tagged with Tankhun, followed them like a little duckling yet he was still wary of people around him, Vegas could sense an invisible wall he built around himself.

Vegas sipped and rolled that bubbly champagne on his tongue savoring it slowly just the way he enjoyed it. He was sitting on the balcony perched on a comfortable outdoor chair, a copy of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere with a bookmark popping, was on his lap. He thought it was slow here and there. Still, he was fascinated by the description of the floating market and the idea of an underground rail network that existed in a completely different reality.
He had enjoyed reading since he was a kid, a safe space, an escape from the sharp words and forceful hits from his father that bruised his young heart and sliced his skin. He saw his mother crumble slowly under the shadow of his father, not a single sound of the cry for help was allowed to go out without the permission of his father, because he was incredibly good at manipulating and putting on a good show for his elder brother Korn. He misses her smile, he could hardly remember her touch. But one day she vanished into thin air, he and Macau don't hold it against her because they think she'd be happier without them.

When Vegas was eight, his father said he will train and be pushed to perform, whipped to withstand, broken to be stronger, twisted to see far ahead so that he becomes a competent man and Vegas believed everything his father said and endured everything his father 'taught' because he had to tell himself that, that's how all the father's in the world loved their sons. Kinn's mother was kind and graceful, she hugged Vegas and Macau and always welcomed them home, made them snacks, and would play with them. She had a clear distaste only for Khun Kan and wouldn't speak more than necessary to him. She would visit sometimes with Tankhun and little Kim. That didn't last either, and a lot of things fell apart quickly after her demise.

Vegas was eighteen, he remembers how he tried to keep Macau away from his father's scrutiny, how he tried to be a responsible son, and how he had to compete with his cousin who was nothing but kind to him. Vegas had to distance himself because if he fell out of line his father would straighten an eleven-year-old Macau. So he played along to his father's tunes. Some good did come out of his father's teachings, it made him fierce, it made him strong, and it gave him a dear brother to protect and a crooked stubborn backbone to stand in this muddy world.

One day, Vegas woke up in a hospital, with bruises on his face, and a cut lip, courtesy of his father who was enraged because one of his clients wanted Vegas for the intimate company and when Vegas didn't budge and fought his way out sassily, he was met with a disappointed father. Macau bawled his eyes out on the phone to Tankhun, when he finally understood what was going on with his brother. Tankhun jumped to action, and straight away led his guards to the mansion and transferred Macau and Vegas to their house. He knew his uncle was a sly snake, he should have seen this coming, it didn't take him a second for him to decide that they will be living with him at the main house from now on. Khun Korn was placid when he heard, he gave out orders that Vegas and, Macau are a part of the main house now, determination his wife would show.

Khun Kan didn't keep calm, he would often get into arguments with his brother, asking him not to interfere between him and his sons. He tried to sneak around Vegas and Macau but Tankhun was always there watching sometimes joined by Kinn. One day, he found an anonymous note by his door that read 'You deserve the love, healing and supportive family. One step at a time.' How dramatic can his eldest cousin get? He smiled, a genuine smile in a very long time, for Macau and himself he was going to stay here. He was not going back to that stinking place. Khun Korn was Khun Korn formulated the consequences in his head when Vegas voiced his decision, Tankhun clapped excitedly and Kinn welcomed him with open arms. Slowly things changed after that, there were no longer silent nights or scared Macau but there was warmth in the dinners and love of elder brothers and a little bit of therapy from Dr Mill.

He admits, that he still carries fragments of his past and childhood with him but he will never let them come in his way or drag him down. Theerapankyakuns are inevitably the Mafia so he might as well triumph in his tasks. When death will take him one day he might as well rage some hell before he goes down.

He would still see his father at meetings, he couldn't escape the snickers and ridicule his father directed his way. Kinn was always there to back him up and assure him that he is there. It felt nice.

Later when Porsche entered their lives, he never understood his family's obsession with him, especially his father. Porsche and Kinn had rough beginnings, well his cousin can be a handful and Porsche isn't the type to take orders, so it took them a while to fall in sync with each other and love. Things happened, they fought, they bickered, they got kidnapped, and broke up because of the whole Tawan debacle which was orchestrated by his father and since which he has been missing. In a way, he was dealing with this and that, he didn't have any romantic relationships, he did indulge in pleasure occasionally with no strings attached but that was it. He never brought any of it home or into his heart.

But then, Pete came into focus. Pete had always been there, a man who was two-year elder than him, looked like a chihuahua with front bangs falling on his forehead. Cute. Since that day of the diamond auction, he couldn't take his mind off Pete. Sleek in black, plump lips, that neck would fit right into Vegas' hands, that narrow muscular waist and his round black eyes and every other single detail of Pete stuck with him since he walked down the stairs with the rest of his equally well-dressed team. He noticed for the very first time, that they looked at each other and lingered at that moment for a while. Pete shyly turned away and spoke into his earpiece. When Vegas asked him what was that about, Pete flushed, apologised and walked away. And an amused Vegasfound a new way to entertain himself now.

He was delighted every time he teased Pete, he would smirk at him, walk too close to him, and indirectly comment on his handsomeness, he and Macau also dragged Pete to sermons now and then, surprisingly Porsche and Chay would also accompany them which also brought Kinn, Kim first and Tankhun followed and since the whole family was going, Khun Korn would also go with P'Chan.

When Vegas was working on a deal with Italian, it went sideways real quick and Vegas didn't take many guards with him, he was able to fend off those thugs but he was overpowered, which led to a captured Vegas on the spot, Kinn was furious, the hid him, he had confidence in Vegas but no one messes with a Theerapanyakun without consequences.

Vegas just sat in that dingy cell with Pete and a few guards. He called it a fate date or a fatal date, he said to Pete he can call it whatever he liked and talked with Pete and waited for their rescue to come.

"Khun Vegath, how can you be like this in this situation, aren't you worried?"

"What? Why did you surrender? Why didn't you run away, you had the chance to."

"How can I do that, I was sent to protect you?"

"Are you afraid that Phi Kinn was punishing you?"

"We failed our duty so it is expected when we return."

"You are too optimistic, how do you know that there will be rescue?"

"I believe in Khun Kinn, he doesn't abandon his men especially not his Nong. Moreover, these Italian are trying to squeeze for money and power, their best shot was to shoot you but that will only make things worse, but apparently, not shooting Khun Vegath only made things worse than they could be."

Vegas chuckled.

"You're funny."

"Porsche also says that."

"How about a nice date this Friday, Mr Pete?"

"Khun Vegath!" Pete shushed him as he blushed.

KinnPorsche - a little bit of this and that of TheerapanyakunsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant