Chapter 4

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Porsche placed a chaste kiss on their son's forehead and there was no stopping him from all the excitement and nervousness he was feeling. It was topped by his insane amount of affection filling every vessel in his body for newborn son, Sora.

"Your Poh will be here soon."

Porsche was holding their son like the precious little thing he is, all wrapped up safe and sound in a soft pink blanket. Porsche kissed those thick eyebrows which were Kinn, through and through, a small smile played at the tip of his lips and it stayed there for a long time.

Even though this was one of the Theerapanyakul's special hospital wings, the security was tighter, and bodyguards blending in casual clothes were positioned in every corner. Kinn arrived with his entourage, Big and Ken flanking slightly behind him.
KimHan Theerapanyakul was walking next to Kinn, scanning the place with his hawk vision and paced towards the VIP suite.

Bodyguards wanted to congratulate their boss on the newest addition to the family but thought it would be best if they waited until the news was officially announced. Also, no one dared to approach Kinn with Kim next to him, he looked so determined to get to his nephew that he would swat them away like a fly if they dared interrupt him and his brother.

The bodyguards outside gave a humble bow and before opening the doors, offered Kinn and Kim hand sanitizer to which they naturally complied. And then they opened the doors to the luxurious suite filled. Soft golden lights lit the room reflecting smoothly off a huge glass window overlooking the hospital garden, they found Porsche sitting on the couch holding a tiny bundle of pink.

Kim could say that the twinkle in Porsche's eyes can be seen from a mile away, he stood up and smiled at them gently rocking the baby in his hands. He let Kinn approach his brother-in-law and his nephew first, he wanted his brother to have a proper look at his son first. This was one of those times when KimHan Theerapanyakul had a genuine smile on his face, his charm and sharp features intensified under those golden rays.

Kinn's eyes were brimming with tears, as soon as he stepped closer to Porsche, his legs wobbled a bit, he placed a kiss on Porsche's lips and rubbed the tips of their noses together. Sora wriggled a little as Porsche passed him to Kinn who held him so close to his chest. It was a quiet moment for them, Kinn had tears on his eyes, a smile on his lips and his son in his arms and his beloved next to him. He silently looked at this little baby in his arms, and he reminded himself that he would do everything in his power to protect his son and Porsche, his family. He was overjoyed, he wanted to reach the highest mountain in Thailand and yell how he feels blessed and how lucky he is. Kinn, just like Porsche placed a forehead kiss on Sora's head and smiled ear to ear.

"Kim, why are standing there frozen, don't you want to meet your nephew?" Porsche motioned him with his hand. He was sitting next to Kinn joined at the hip.

"Of course, I'm just letting my brother hold him for now because my beloved nephew will be spending time later on." Kim confidently approached them and next to Kinn and adjusted himself on the couch.

Kinn carefully passed Sora to Kim who adjusted the baby into a comfortable position. The baby smiled in his sleep and kicked his legs for a moment and went back to his still sleep.

Kim had a proud look on his face and he grinned at Kinn. "See he likes me better." Porsche had to pat Kinn's shoulder comforting him as he looked at Porsche with a shocked looked on his face.

"There, there, why don't you tell Kim the name." Porsche cooed at the sight of Kim's softened features as he held Sora.

"Kim, meet SoraYang Kittisawad Theerapanyakul. Sora, this is KimHan, Kim. My youngest brother, your uncle. One of your uncle's Please don't be bratty like him when you grow up."

Kim rolled his eyes at his brother's silly comment but he went back to smiling at the kid. "Sora can be choose to be whatever he wants, even if he's bratty I'll back him up."

"Oh my I never thought I'll see Kim competing to be the favorite uncle." Porsche giggled as he locked arms with an content Kinn.

"There's a cavalry waiting to meet you Sora, sleep well, you need all the energy to meet the rest of your family."

"Kinn, I think they'll play pass the ball with our son when they arrive."

"Let's hide him then." Kinn kissed Porsche on the cheek.

"Phi Kin, we're still in the room."

"Hooo." Kinn wrapped his arm around Kim who couldn't protest with Sora in his arms, so we has begrudgingly drawn into a hug. Kinn has become physically affectionate with Kim  due to Porsche and Porchay's influence. He wasn't against his, his built up cold persona and insecurities get in the way but Kinn, his elder brother, was doing everything he can to mend their relationship, in fact his elder brother's have been behind him but under the shadows were the feelings followed, Khun was an exception but Kinn was changed gradually, he was that warm and smiley elder brother again. Kim was slightly sad, now that Sora is here, he thought he will no longer be Kinn's baby brother anymore, not that he wanted to be treated like one, but loved the attention he got from his brothers, he was aware that Vegas also had a genuine concern for Kim as much as he did for Macau.

That's when Sora decided to wake up with wobbling lips and whimpering that escalated to a wailing cry.

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