Chapter 6

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When Sora was officially brought to the Theerapankayun mansion, Tankhun threw a welcoming party in the garden with the Koi pond. Fairy lights and simple blue and pink balloons, a sizzling barbeque stand, mild alcohol options for the adults, a perfectly pitched white tent, with fluffy pillows and cushions and some more balloons with tiny lights inside them.

It was a pleasant evening, the dark purple skies graced the Theerapankyaun mansion's lush green garden filled with bubbling laughter. Tankhun established a strict white dress code for everyone in the family even his father if he had to attend the welcoming ceremony. He also instructed his kitchen staff to arrange a table next to the tent outside for dinner. Of course, the priest from the Royal temple came to bless Sora and his parents. It was a short ceremony with Kinn Porsche, Chay and Macau and Tankhun. Pete, Arm and Pol were standing by, Big and Ken were assigned to Vegas and Kim had to resolve an issue at the port side warehouse.

Pete was moved when Porsche exclusively introduced their son to Pete, Khun Kinn didn't seem to mind at all, he handed over his son to Pete so that he can hold him. Pete held the curious baby looking at Pete and gently bounced him earning a giggle from the little one. Next, it was Arm and Pol's turn who were a little hesitant to go in when Khun Kinn was present, they felt that even though they were best buddies with Porsche, they need to be professional and disciplined at least when Khun Kinn and other were present so that they don't set a bad example for the rest of the team. Well, Pol is Pol and there's no helping it now and then. Big and Ken also got to see Sora and say a few words to Porsche and their boss. Time and Tay said they will visit after the baby has settled in, Jom and Tem were overjoyed too and said Porsche they can't wait to celebrate with him and Sora. Kinn announced that there will be a separate party in the compound for the bodyguards and a bonus all under strict security conditions. Kinn didn't hesitate to mention that if anyone even thought about betraying the family will have a hard price to play and it even made the bodyguards uneasy when Tankhun was the one who addressed the meeting with a chilling aura, he smiled but his eyes were piercing and intimidating.

Now, at the Party, Kinn and Porsche were sitting in the centre with Khun Korn and Khun Nu on each side Khun Korn wore a soft white vest and a blue shirt, and Vegas who was sitting next to Khun Nu wore a white Zebra print button-down shirt tucked loosely into these black jeans, his thick rough cut platinum chain hanging around his neck. Kim was in attendance sitting opposite kin, he was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and a denim jacket. Chay and Macau were sitting next to each other beaming with smiles. Chay wore a white shirt and blue jeans and Macau also wore a baggy white t-shirt with a graphic print over his ankle-length white jeans. Tankhun was in a full white coat, white leather boots and DIY wings and a wand studded with glittering white stones. Porsche was amazed as to how his brother-in-law wasn't sweating in that heavy coat and carried himself comfortably. Of course, there were coolers arranged in the tent they were sitting in yet Porsche couldn't imagine pulling it by himself.

Kinn was sitting beside him, relaxed and looking at Chay and Macau who were excitedly talking about a video game. He wore simple white bell pants, highlighting his thighs and Porsche was having not-so-heavenly thoughts looking at this Kinn, with his perfect hair, his soft white t-shirt hugging his torso in the right places, accentuating his wide chest and biceps. Porsche wore a buttoned-down white shirt with faint silver lines and white trousers. Kinn looked at Porsche with fondness in his eyes and smiled and tried to hold the delicate fingers of their baby and kissed them. He wanted to kiss Porsche too but he decided to save it for later.

Tankhun coughed lightly to grab the attention of his family. "Alright now, due to security reasons, we will be having Arm as the photographer for this event who will be assisted by Pol." Pete, Big and Ken were also close by outside the tent along with P'Chan who was with them with his hands crossed in front of him.

KinnPorsche - a little bit of this and that of TheerapanyakunsWhere stories live. Discover now