"Can I sit?" He asks and I just nod. I move away from him a bit but then I notice a guy with a camera and I force myself to cuddle up to him. He must notice the guy as well because he puts his arm around me. We sit in silence until about an hour passes and I get up to get Spencer so we can go home and have lunch.

We get home and I head straight up stairs to Spencer's room to pack her a bag for tonight. Then I go to our bedroom while Easton and Spencer have lunch. I can't hold my emotions in anymore and I let out a sob and crawl onto the bed curling up into a ball. I don't know how long I've been laying there until I hear a small knock on the door and my daughter's voice on the other side. "Mommy?" I sit up and try to clean up the tears from my face. "Come in sweetie."

She comes running in and jumps up on the bed, "Daddy said to come give you loves and he's taking me to Mee-maw's now." I smile and give her a hug and kiss on the head. She kisses me on the cheek, "I love you Mommy." she says and I answer back, "I love you too." She jumps down from the bed and rushes out the door to meet her dad downstairs.

Easton's POV

I pull up to my mom's and she's is excitedly waiting on her front steps for her granddaughter. I get Spencer out of her seat first so she can run to her Mee-Maw. I grab her bag and follow in after them. Spencer is already up in her room my mom set aside from her. I put the bad down and greet my mom. "Hi Mom." I hug her for longer than normal. She pulls away  taking my face in her hands, "What the hell did you do to your face?"

"Oh I was out with MK and Lizzie last night. I stumbled into this guy and he took a swing at me." I answer hoping to skirt past the Lizzie part.

"Lizzie? Since when are you hanging out with her?" she focuses on that part like I figured she would. She was upset with Lizzie but also understood her reasoning because my mom didn't want me to give up my scholarship either.

"Yeah I've seen her a couple times since the championship. She's staying with MK since Robbie cheated on her." I say and she looks me over.

"How's Margot doing sad I didn't get to see her." She says almost like she knows something is up. Like she did back in high school when I cheated on Lizzie.

"She's alright..." I lie and she raises an eyebrow at me.
"Easton James I know you love Lizzie but you are married and you love Margot I know you do. You need to be careful." I nod and give her a hug.

"Thank you mom." I say thanking her for more than taking Spencer tonight. Leaving my moms house heading back home. Thinking about when I first told Margot I love her.


Margot and I have been dating for about 3 months now she's come to almost every home game even with her schedule, but she texted saying she was stuck at a meeting for a project she's working on. Which was a good thing I've been off my game tonight so much that the coach pulled me. Luckily we still win the game. I head to the locker room and shower. I'm usually the last to leave which normally Margot is waiting for me.

I walk out of the stadium heading to my car and I see a girl leaning against it and say, "Easton James off his game tonight. Beat you could use a pick me up?"  I don't recognize this girl.

"No thanks. Could you please excuse me? I'd like to go home." But she doesn't move and she actually runs her finger down my chest. "Oh come on. All you basketballs players have girls all over you even on your off nights."

She then grabs my shirt bring me closer and I lean back away from her. Then I hear someone clear their throat. I look over and see Margot standing there. Oh thank god.

"You better remove your hands from my boyfriend." She says and her accent is thicker than I've ever heard it. The girl releases me and I stand back as the girl walks away.

"I don't show up for one game in 6 months and you decide to take home some skank!" She starts yelling at me.

"No! That girl was just leaning in my car when I got out here!" I defend not really in the mood to be accused of wanting to cheat.

"Oh yeah sure! Looks like you really didn't want it." She says this time almost with a sad look in her eye.

"Margot, I don't want some basketball chick." I explain and she rolls her eyes walking away.

What is it with me and fighting in parking lots."Marot! Wait! Please, I don't want to be with anyone else. I love you!" I yell out the three words I haven't said to anyone in years and she turns around.

"You what?" She questions and I take another deep breath. "I love you Margot Robbie." She smiles and runs towards me and jumps into my arms planting a hard kiss to my lips. I stand there with her in my arms kissing for a minute and she pulls away.
"I love you too Easton James."

**End of Flashback**

I pull up to our house and our bedroom light is the only light in the house on. Margot was the only woman to make me feel love and she's hurting because of me. I will say it again she deserves better.

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