Chapter Two

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Hey, choco chips,

New year gift is here.😉 I want around 150+ comments for the early updates. And do votes yrr.






Third-person pov:


Dominic was sitting in his office at the warehouse after dealing with a few fucked up people who think they can try to hurt his family. Dominic isn't involved in the Mafia business and more importantly, focuses on his studies as Luciano wants him and all his kids to do.

But Dominic deals with a few people only who come to hurt his family as he had his people always keeping their eyes on his family and close people like Leon. Dominic found out that someone was targeting Luciano to make their whole family and business fall apart. And he is keeping his eyes on all the people to know who is behind all this.

He found a clue and got the information that someone assigned an assassin to kill their father. Now he knows who this assassin is and who assigned him to this task. He is ready to hunt his prey down and make him beg for mercy before he kills him.

Dominic pulled out of his thoughts when there was a knock on the door. He commanded in a cold tone: "Come in"

A few seconds passed and the door opened revealing Leon wearing a pair of black pants with a black shirt, his sleeves folded to his elbows while the first three buttons of his shirt opened revealing his chest. Leon bowed down showing his respect to his Capo: "You asked for me, capo?"

Dominic threw a key card at the edge of the table smoking in a low tone which made a shiver down Leon's back: "Lock the door"

Leon raises his gaze only to find him staring at him with those beautiful dark green almost black-looking eyes. Leon whispered to himself: "Why does he have the same eyes as his?"

Leon gulped when Dominic raised one of his perfectly dark eyebrows at him in a questioning manner. Leon said shaking his head: "Why?"

Dominic lips twitched into a smirk which made Leon lick his lips poking the lip piercing. Dominic's deep voice boomed in the pty office: "I guess you forgot who you are talking to?"

Leon blinked, furrowed his eyebrows, and glared at him: "Just a few days back you were like, you can question me anytime. We are fuck buddies and shit and now what?"

Dominic's dark voice growled as his eyes narrowed at Leon who took a step back in fear at the rage in his dark eyes: "I'm the Boss here and I make rules. And I'm your boss, so learn to respect and listen to their orders without questions"

Leon said looking down quickly: "sorry capo"

He walked towards the table and grabbed the key card then walked towards the door locking it. Dominic stretched his tattooed hand to Leon who placed the card back in his palm making him throw it in the drawer and lock it with a pin.

Leon watched his all moves with hooded eyes and gulped at every action with the only thought in his mind: "'We are not doing anything here, not in the watch these cameras"

Dominic leaned back on the leather chair and spoke smoking from the cigarette in his hand: "Leon, come here"

Leon gulped and spoke: "Capo, I have to go back to Princess Lilah as soon as possible"

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