Chapter One

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Hey choco chips,

Do at least 100+ votes and 100+comments for the next update soon. Love you all ❤


Third-person pov:

"Family isn't who you were born with but it is who can die for you"

Lilah Ivy black is standing in front of Aries's room with her Mr blue tucked under her left arm as her left tiny fist is rubbing her eyes. She yawned stretching her neck and kicked the door calling out: "Ari, open the door"

She waited not so patiently as Aries was taking forever to open the door. Lilah is getting angry with each passing second because today she is having a sibling day with her brothers and Aries is the one who is about to help her bath and get ready but he is still asleep in his room like a dead person.

Quinn opened his door when he heard Lilah wincing at Aries's door for the past few minutes. He peeked his head outside the room and walked outside in just a pair of black sweatpants hanging loosely around his torso as his upper body was bare. His whole left arm and shoulder till his neck is filled with so many tattoos.

Lilah kicked the door again and grumbled: "Ari, I tell Papa you sneaked into the room and stole me two days back from Papa's room"

Quinn laughed at her adorable threat and an angry scowl on her face as her wild morning hair was all over the place. Quinn leaned against the wall next to the door and crossed his arms over his chest as he asked: "Need some help?"

She turned her glare at Quinn who held his hands up in surrender saying: "In innocent one, my sweetest love"

Lilah nodded at her with a determined face and ordered shaking her head at the door with a sigh: "Knock"

Quinn shook his head at the little attitude that she got from their eldest brother Aries and Luciano: "As you wish my love"

She yawned once again covering her mouth with her tiny hand making Quinn cooed at the sight. Quinn raised his hand to knock on the door when Aries called out from behind walking upstairs: "Angel?"

Lilah turned towards him and asked putting her hands on her hips: "Ari, where you go earlier?"

Aries walked towards his baby sister and kneeled when he reached right in front of her. He said smiling down at her caressing her cheek: "Is my little angel upset with his brother?"

She frowned: "Yes"

Aries said smiling gently as he pulled his other hand from his pocket making her frown deepen: "I'm sorry my Angel, just some work came up suddenly late at night and I had to leave"

Lilah eyes filled with tears as she looked down at his other hand wrapped in a bandage that covered his whole palm. Quinn asked worried: "Reece, your hand?"

Aries shrugged casually: "It's alright Quinn. I got it wrapped up"

Lilah sniffled as a single tear rolled down her cheek making Aries wipe it down with his other hand as he pouted at her sadly: "I can't bath you today"

She sniffles while smacking his chest: "You silly pilly. You hurt"

Aries said pulling her in a warm hug: "I'm good, Angel. Don't cry please"

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