chapter 36

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Where was Rani? Was the first question that crossed Rajendra's mind the moment he got up, he searched the entire house, every room, every bathroom and like a madman every closet

Did she leave him again? But why? And according to the law, she was tied to him atleast for now

He called her up, but her phone was switched off.

He was going mad with worry, they were suppose to leave together at 10 am for their flight to Udaipur, for the business meet, he had very diligently informed her about this and had even put a small sticky note on the fridge, so that she doesn't forget.

Rajendra again called her it was 12 pm now.

He was walking too and fro in the living room, waiting for some information, finally after the twenty-fifth call, he called her office, may be she had left for her office to collect something or drop something.

"Mr.Rajendra,  Ms.Anjali has already left for the business meet at Udaipur"
Her colleague told me

"What do you mean she already left, her flight was at 10 am, and she is not here since 8 am" Rajendra, was getting upset and scared by each passing second

"Yes, Mr.Rajendra, but she called yesterday and requested for an early flight, her flight was scheduled at 6 am, and she has already reached Udaipur. " she informed, and kept the phone

Rani wanted to avoid him this much?

Now he understood how it feels to be neglected.

He booked the next available flight to Udaipur and left

At Udaipur, Anjali was feeling a sense of Freedom and happiness, there was not the constant presence of Rajendra to smother her, with fake words of love and here people were actually talking about business. Fashion. Something which she loved to talk about.

"Ms.Anjali we heard you had some unique views on the clothes displayed in the fashion show this morning" Mr.Patel said, singling her out from the crowd

He had made a name for himself in the fashion industry, by selling and buying designs and also giving a chance to new people, rather who he thought were worth betting on. He was now 40 years old and was on the look out for his third wife, as much as she knew

"Good Evening,  Mr.Patel, yes the show did display some good collection but, I always have this one question, where on earth would people even wear such clothes?" Anjali replied with a small smile

"May be on the runway or when someone is running away" A voice drawled, from behind them

Anjali closed her eyes and took a deep breadth, she knew he would come, and she knew he would be upset

She pasted a fake smile and turned to greet him

"Mr.Rajendra" she said politely, even Mr.Patel, raised his glass to greet him

"Mr.Patel would you mind if I steal this lovely lady and rob you from some scintillating conversation about fashion?" Rajendra said politely

"Seriously, Rajendra, as always you always want to hang out with the best, last time Mrs.Nova and now Ms.Anjali,  give us a chance lad" Mr.Patel said amused and left from there

Rajendra immediately saw the effect Mr.Patel's words had, had on Anjali, she had stiffened the moment he has said Mrs.Nova's name

Shit! How could he forget, how Mrs.Nova had practically glued herself to him, the last time he had attended this show.

"Rani it is not how he said it!" He said

"I don't care Mr.Rajendra, we have both come here to work, on behalf of our respective organizations, so lets just do that" she said and left from there.

"Rani this is the same event which I had begged you to come with me, but you had refused, do you remember?" He called after her

She turned to look at him
"I said I don't care Rajendra" she said in between her lips

"But Rani-"

"I said-"

"Okok I understood" Rajendra said while raising his hands in a surrendering position, he knew when he should not push Rani anymore, specially when she looks at him with narrowed eyes

But he was continously keeping an eye on her. Like a shadow, where she was going, who she was talking too, was she safe

His Rani looked ravishing in everything and nothing, but tonight especially she looked absolutely stunning in a midnight blue sequence saree, with her hair open and a beautiful smile on her red painted lips and her beautiful kohl filled eyes, from which she would occasionally shoot daggers at him, for constantly following her, but he just smiled at her like a fool.

Finally the event was over, and Anjali just wanted to rest, she entered her room and Rajendra was still following her, she was fed up now, he had been overly sweet with her, passing her dishes which he knew she liked, trying to engage her attention, passing her water and such, if he had done this three years back, the old Anjali would have cried tears of joy, but the new Anjali, was getting annoyed with each passing second.

"Stop following me Rajendra!" She finally snapped at him, when he actually followed her till her room

"Rani, I just want to explain" he said

"What? What do you want to explain" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest

"It is not like he said it, he was eyeing Mrs.Nova as bride No.2 so that is why she had asked me for a favour,  and as you know he has also now divorced his second wife, so at that time I just thought, I was helping a friend"

"So?" Anjali asked

"Please Rani, you know I have always only loved you, you know that, I have never even looked at Mrs.Nova like that" he said


"You know since we were kids you were the only one for me, the jealousy I had, the fear of losing you I had, the need to always keep you glued to me, were my only vices, please trust me" he pleaded


"And would you please answer something more than a freaking monosyllable" he said, getting frustrated

"I want to sleep Mr.Rajendra, please leave" she said and went inside her room and closed the door on his face.



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