chapter 18

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"I am sorry Raja" Rani was sitting near the lake, in their hometown, in white saree,her legs folded beneath hers, a smile on her face, her eyes held sadness, and she was looking at Rajandra

"Rani!" He called out with tears in his eyes, but before he could reach her, she was no more.

Rajendra woke up with a start

His whole body was covered in sweat, his head throbbing with pain, he wiped his face with his hand, and just sat there, his hand still covering his whole face.

Rani is dead, his Rani?his life, his wish?

Rajendra was not able to accept it , he would surely feel it , how can Rani no longer be alive, and if she wasn't alive then what was he doing?breathing?still? If he was still breathing than so should his Rani! He would feel it if she was no he would not even think about it

But the words of that nurse was still ringing in his ears

"We are sorry Mr.Rajendra but Rani is no more"

Four simple words, uttered soo casually,  had brought his world crashing down, what nonsense was that nurse saying? Rajendra would burn down the damn hospital, how could they even imagine something like this? This world cannot exists without his Rani! He will not let it!

Her laughter

Her smile

Her care

Her words

Just her...

He got up from his bed, still wearing his night clothes.

Rajendra took the key from the table, and drove in the night.

"I love you Raja"

"You are my world Raja I don't want anything else"

"Please never leave me Raja"

Then how did Rani leave him, how could she leave her Raja soo easily.

Rajendra did not know where or in which direction he was driving but he had somehow came to the lake, the lake where his Rani... and he was a mere spectator, helpless, when he saw her car tumbling down the bridge and into the lake.

His eyes was fixed on the ripples of the lake. Wondering if somehow the water will bring back his Rani.

His hand was clutching the letter , which Rani had left him.Her only memory , his Rani, he had read the letter thousands of time, her words so precious, he had them engraved in his mind and heart

My Raja

I have loved you with all I have, i will always love you

I dont know if i still have the right to say this

But Raja, i loved you when you were just my Raja, my raja who used to play with me when we were small, my Raja who used to not let anyone close to his silly little Rani, my Raja who loved me even when he did not know what love is, my Raja who bought me things which though not costly meant the world to me because my Raja had bought them, my Raja who did not care what i wear as long as his Rani was wearing it, it was beautiful, my Raja who loved me as i am and My Raja who meant the world to me

And i loved my that Raja, my Raja who was simple and kind, my Raja who valued people, my Raja who was sweet and handsome, my Raja who always smiled when he saw me, my Raja who could not even hurt an ant, my Raja who would kill if someone hurt his Rani.

I loved my that Raja.

I hope you find happiness in your life with whomever and wherever it may be with, I'll always hope you are happy Raja

Your Rani

Rajendra's eyes filled with tears, he read the letter ones again, and again and again and again and again, until he was just staring at the piece of paper, trying to find his Rani through her words.

The words he uttered to his Rani flashed to his mind, trying to punish him, as if not seeing Rani, not feeling her, was not punishment enough

You spoil my parties Rani

Why did you come down Rani

How are you dressed Rani

Can't you be more like mrs.nova , rani

I dont have time Rani, go away

Ahh! The pain, the pain was too much, his life, his world, his wish, Rani was no more, but somehow he still sensed her, as if she would appear any second in front of him, beckoning him to play with her again in their small hometown.

He could not tolerate it anymore, the world without his Rani was not worth living was it?

He could hear a phone ringing in the background, but he just could not for the life of him understand whose it was and why was it disturbing him, when he was thinking about his Rani

His Rani, her eyes, her smiles, her laughter, her talks, her love....everything was exclusively for him, only him! And now Rajendra would never be able to feel that again

He walked towards the lake, where his Rani had been with him last, may be now he will be united with her, he would beg for her forgiveness, and Rani would forgive him, she loved him too much to make him suffer.

Rajendra was smiling as he approached the lake his Rani

"Hey what are you doing man, have you lost it" someone was shouting at a distance

Can people just not leave him alone with his Rani? He thought annoyed

He could see his Rani's reflection in water, calling out for him, his Rani, his life, his wish, the meaning of his world

And he jumped into the lake with a splash.....



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