chapter 33

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Anjali stood outside the court, the court's decision was not in her favour, she was told to go back to her husband, she had not known Rajendra was such a good actor, for a moment even she got delusional that may be she had dreamt up the whole miserable two years of her life

"Mr.Rajendra your wife Mrs.Anjali wants a divorce and she wants it to be settled without any alimony do you agree?" The magistrate had asked him

"No sir" he had replied calmly

The magistrate had given Anjali the look , as if saying why is he complicating the matters.

Hell if she knew!

"Mr.Rajendra your wife Anjali is demanding a divorce with mutual consent and on the grounds that you had indulged in infidelity during the term of your marriage"

"I deny" he had replied again calmly

"Mrs. Anjali according to Mr.Rajendra he has never been infidel during the term of your marriage" the magistrate said

As if Anjali cannot listen for herself

What the hell was going on, he was infidel, he was with Mrs.Nova how can he deny flat out when he was caught red handed by Anjali herself

"I have seen it with my own eyes, don't make it more dirty Rajendra and just agree to it" Anjali was really trying to calm herself

"I have never cheated on you Rani not ones, if you want you can ask Mrs.Nova herself" he said

"Yeah right like the mistress is going to confess!"

"Don't be a brat Rani, you know very well I never cheated on you and that I was never infidel, how can you even say that, you saw me pushing her away, did you not!" He asserted

A brat! She!"Well any cheating husband would do that after getting caught!" She said, all she wanted to do was leave but could not!

"Anjali do you really want to go down that road! We both know I have not cheated, do you really want to leave me that bad that you would put such a demeaning allegation on me!" He said

"What proof do you have Rajendra? I am pretty sure I saw you and her in a compromising position"

"You can ask Rajni, she is my PA and she had admitted Mrs.Nova only 5 minutes before you entered, you also know that I had immediately chased after you and... and seen ..... your car" he finished on a terrified note

Anjali didn't know what to say anymore, deep down she knew, she knew what she saw was not her husband cheating, but he had allowed another woman to take such liberties with him, had given another woman the freedom to think that she could do that.

She just knew one thing she had fallen out of love with him, somehow just looking at him now brought that scene and that day in front of her eyes

"Mrs.Anjali if you stay silent it would be deemed that your husband has not been infidel" the magistrate said

Anjali was still silent

"On what grounds do you want divorce Mrs.Anjali? Was he abusive?"

"Not a chance" Rajendra answered

"Mental Harrasment?"

"What Rubbish" Again Rajendra answered

"Dowry Threats?"

"Not Possible" Again Rajendra

"And we have also established he has not been infidel, or has he?"

"NO!" Again Rajendra

And that is how Anjali knew she would have to go back to Rajendra.


Take a deep Breath Anjali, its fine, its only a house, just think of it as living with a roommate or just some stranger.

Anjali had resigned to the fact that she would have to stay with Rajendra , or atleast stay till he himself tells her to get out

The magistrate had not given the order that she had expected, Rajendra had successfully proven in front of him that he was in love with her, madly. And that he had never cheated on her

The initial sitting was only a failure.

Anjali had no hopes that if she would appeal to a higher court anything would fructify. In her heart she knew that Rajendra had not cheated on her. Physically. But what about everything else. What about her emotions? What about her trust? What about her love?

And trust ones broken is irreparable damage. And now she would teach him what it is to be broken like that

Anjali had sworn that he himself would tell her to leave in a month's time!

Rajendra knew he had strong armed Anjali ones again but this time hopefully, she would want to stay, stay for good and this time there would not be any misunderstanding between them! He would make sure of it!

He had done all the preparations to bring back his wife, his wish, his life

He knew the court's decision would be in his favour he had not cheated on his Rani, how could he ever do that and now since Rani also knew he was sure that she would forgive him already.

The court proceedings had gone very smoothly and strangely even Rani had not protested much, Rajendra was positive that she also had missed him and wanted to come back to him.

Today was the day when she was supposed to return. He was

He stood outside her house at sharp 8am actually he wanted to reach her home as early as possible, but he knew he should not disturb her before that

He was feeling impatient, continuously looking at his watch

Should he call her up?

Finally he saw her coming out

She was dressed in a blue salwaar, his Rani beautiful as ever

He started walking towards her, but behind her was another man




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