chapter 25

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In life there are certain instances which make you question everything, Who can you trust? Who actually cares for you? Who loves you? What you have done in your existence in this life? And most importantly WHO ARE YOU?

Anjali was facing similar questions, she always thought her life was the best, simple and sweet, she had loving parents in her childhood, she had supportive friends and she had him.

What more can a person want in this life?

But now everything seemed like a dream a beautiful dream which broke as soon as she woke up to reality.

She no longer had her father, her childhood friends had all become busy in their lives, her mother tried her best to smile everyday for her sake and he was no longer there

All Anjali heard for the past three months was

"Sorry, we are not looking to hire someone"

"Oh Sorry, we just found someone better who fulfil our requirements"

"Sorry, this position have been filled"

While some were even more brazen about it

"Sorry we can't hire you"

"You might have offended some big shot"

"Why do you even want to work Mrs. Rajendra?"

"Is Mr.Rajendra not generous enough with you?"

Anjali heard everything from polite refusals to blunt insults, and all because of him!

Why was he doing this? She had no idea. They had cleared the air between them or was it just her who thought so?

Anjali finally decided to go and talk to him, it was three months and he was not letting her move on! Her mother always supported her and smiled at her but every time there was a refusal for the job she had applied for, her smile diminished just a little.

He had hurt her enough, she would not let him hurt people around her

Anjali was sitting in his office's waiting room, this was the first time she was here in their marriage of two years, many times she had asked him to show her, his office to take her there to introduce his colleagues to her but he never did, the time was not right he used to say, it seemed the right time has come now, she could feel the familiar sadness surge up again but she ruthlessly quashed it, you have cried enough Anjali!

"Good Morning Mam" A pretty lady greeted her, she was in her twenties and was carrying some biscuits and coffee for her, she had a huge smile on her face it was almost beaming. She had a youthful face, barely in her early twenties, her eyes shined with happiness and her face was fresh and open, she was wearing kurta and jeans, Her name tag had the name, "Rajni" printed on it, Anjali observed absent minded, where was the other girl though?

"Please have some snacks Boss Lady, I have informed Boss he will be here at lighting speed, I dare say" she then giggled on her own joke and left from there

Anjali sat there, nibbling the biscuit she was offered

After 15 minutes, Rajendra showed up he banged the door to the waiting cabin and stood there panting

He looked at her for a long time before finally coming to sit beside her

"Rani you are finally here! I have missed you soo much" He said and hugged her

She pushed him away, what was he doing? After making her life difficult for soo long how dare he talk her like Raja! How dare he! Well she will no longer be his Rani

"Stop it!" She said

He looked at her then, his face changed and hardened. He got up from beside her and sat across from her

"What are you here for?" He asked looking at her with a poker face

How she wanted to hit him, and Anjali was never a violent person

"Why are you making my life difficult,  we already agreed to let each other live in peace didn't we?" Its better to cut right to chase than to dilly dally with ones ex-husband

"I did not agree with it" he said

What was his bloody problem?

"Look Rajendra, we had a good relationship ones why do you want to make it soo bitter that we cannot even bare to see each other" she said, trying to make him understand, that it is better to brake it smooth and clean to not have anymore nasty cuts, afterall it was she who got the worst of it

"Bare? I crave to see you Rani, everyday, each minute, each second" he said

"Stop it Rajendra! How many times do I have to tell you? It's Anjali, Anjali!" She shouted

"You will always be Rani to me whatever comes, and stop your delusions we will always be together" he said calmly, too calmly

Anjali did not know what to tell him, she was too tired to even argue with him, she just wanted a peaceful life and for that she will have to reason with him, then to into such petty arguments

"I just......Leave me alone! Why are you interfering with my job? Please Rajendra for the many good times we had let me be free and independent please don't interfere with my life anymore" she pleaded

He gave a bark of laughter "what are you talking about my dear? What freedom and what independence? You cannot do any job without my assistance and influence, you will have to come back to me for everything, you are nothing without me" he said arrogantly

Anjali just sat there, shocked!

"Think it through My Dear and let me know, when you ready just say the word and the job will be yours, I'll be in my cabin" he gave Anjali a smirk and left from there

How dare he?

There was a bang in the CEO' s office as Anjali fumed and followed him in mere five minutes

"In this Life, Rajandra, I will never need your help!" She said angrily, her eyes flashing, and stomped out

While Rajni and all the other staff looked on with curiosity



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