14.5 - Hooters

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September 3, 2014

Sunoo stared blank at his walls, unable to process what just happened a few hours ago on his way home.

It was a normal evening in the quiet neighborhood, as expected, half of the neighborhood would be either in their houses or out for work at this time of day.

He was walking back home with Min-Jun after his mom had offered his boyfpriend to drop by and visit for dinner.

Though it may seem harmless, but on their way to his house, they encountered a trio of boys their age in a car, exuding a mischievous charm as they sought rapport.


5:31 PM

*honk honk*


A car honked, followed by another honk but not from the vehicle but from the mouth of a male adolescent banging his palm on the side of the passenger's door with half of their body exposed out of the lighting blue car.

Sunoo leaned forward to peek at the car being blocked by Min-Jun's body, to see what was going on.

He saw the car slowing down matching their pace, with the windows facing them rolled down revealing another boy with a bad cut by the backseat

"Just ignore them. Keep walking." Min-Jun commanded, blocking Sunoo's view once again, his jaw tightening and his eyes darkening.

Sunoo's bones shook in fear, averting his gaze from the loud trio still not leaving them alone. Sunoo lowered his head staring at the pavement and their feet unsynchronized in each step they took.


Min-Jun's pace fastened.

He grasped Sunoo's hand in a tight fist, releasing a small gasp from the younger, forcing him to adjust to his speed.

Sunoo stayed quiet, unable to voice out what he wanted to, because once he tries to go against Min-Jun, next thing you'll know he'd end up in a ditch, unconscious and used.

Sunoo's legs were becoming tired, walking as fast as he could to match Min-Jun's wide and big steps. Heavy breathing and silent whines came from Sunoo, enduring his suffering.

His boyfriend's steps became more rapid and larger to the point Sunoo was alsmot jogging to match up with him. But the car of men were yet to give up with their hoots.

"C'MON MAN! DONT BE A KILLJOY, WE JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH HIM!" The man by the backseat spoke once again, making Min-Jun stop in his tracks.

"You know what." Min-Jun stopped.

"W-Wha—" Sunoo turned his face to his stoned boyfriend, his heart beating as his breathing increases, and his eyes sprinkled with fear at what he was about to say

"You can have him." He harshly pushed Suboo towards the car, making him trip as he was forced out the sidewalk.

"H-Hyung?" Sunoo stuttered, his body unable to move, his backpack slowly gliding down his sore shoulders, his face shivering as his throat felt tight,  his legs were like noodles as he tries to pry himself back onto the pavement with his jagged movements, watching as the three boys hastily get out of the vehicle, ready to prey on him.

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