05 - Operation Make Sunoo Mine

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I'm super tired from studying so I stayed up all night to finish this, sorry if it looks empty and if there's tons of dialogue. It's currently 11 pm and I don't wanna leave y'all hung so here is a short chapter




This was rushed so expect mistakes


Sunoo's wants weren't satisfactory enough, and His sanity decreased due to his impatience with the note guy.

He. Wants. To. See. His. Face.

So bad that he went through every yearbook and school archive in the school library as Ye-won did. Yet there was nothing about him, zero. As much as he wanted to sneak into the principal's student files he couldn't risk getting caught and getting suspended. There wasn't much about Park Sunghoon, he had multiple valedictorians, and some awards but his face wasn't there. How come his face isn't there? Isn't it mandatory or something?

"God I'm going crazy" Sunoo rubbed his eyes using his palms with a mix of anger and frustration. He paused for a while to grab his phone, typing in the password in a pure hurry then opened the messaging app, and to his surprise, the person he was anticipating was online



Are you park sunghoon?



*you have muted this contact*


Shit Sunghoon, he's catching up.

"I wanna stay Anonymous for the rest of my life" Sunghoon groaned for he couldn't handle seeing him face to face with Sunoo.

Sunghoon reached into his pick and brought his phone up to his face to see his reflection with a miserable expression

"God, I look like I send ass pics on discord for nitro, I feel like I'd send feet and dick pics too"

'What the hell is wrong with my mind'

Sunghoon took a look around eyeing every single student that is in the same corridor with him and there he spotted Jay Park with a cherry lollipop hanging inside his mouth as always. How come he still doesn't have diabetes

'Jay Park...He might be useful' Sunghoon soon walked silently in front of Jay on his phone hoping to get his attention but it wasn't working

What the hell is he doing? I don't know, does he know what he's doing? Neither he could identify what situation he was getting in but oh lord help him

"Hi," Sunghoon said calmly as Jay screamed and jolted out of his previous position, luckily no one saw that, or the both of them would've been embarrassed

"Jesus bro you gotta warn me next time if you're gonna scare me like that, I thought you were a ghost" Jay clasped his jacket in surprise

( 'Is it because I'm white as your dad's fresh warm and sticky macaroon cream-colored jizz?' )

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