06 - He's Human Too

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After a silent and awkward ride to the mall, Jay took a right turn towards the underground parking and then parked at the first vacant spot he found.

In a swift motion, Jay pulled the handbrake and turned off the engine in less than a second then proceeded to grab the stuff that he probably won't use.

"We're here!" Jay shouted at the daydreaming boy beside him while rummaging through the compartment in front of Sunghoon's knees bringing Sunghoon out of his trance

"Oh yea, s-sorry" Sunghoon in a rush, opened the door and got out of Jay's Bentley, or should I say his DAD's Bentley.

Jay mentioned that he secretly borrowed one of his dad's cars he doesn't use that much among the 16 cars they own. But nothing more than that, as if Sunghoon would be interested in cars.

Their walk lasted about 3-4 minutes before they were faced with a giant 6-story building covered in a dirty white color and ginormous glass windows that reflected the sunlight from the hot summer sun.

As they continued to walk through the small crowd near the mall entrance, people were going in and out of the automatic glass doors opening and closing halfway as multiple people began to enter and exit ranging from families out for lunch, and friend groups that are hanging out, to couples with an 88% possibility of them fucking in front of the fountain with their raging libidos that Sunghoon could feel by looking at how they look at each other. Which is the same fountain Sunghoon is standing beside as Jay tied his loose shoelace using the bunny method like a 2nd grader.


"Do you think people are like 100% straight or like 100% gay?" Jungwon questioned an exhausted Sunoo as he used his tongue to capture the straw to his smoothie in his right hand

"No, cuz like there are bisexuals, pans, lesbians...Cuz sexuality is like a spectrum you know?" Sunoo responded as he struggled to carry the fragile paper bags filled with decorations for their coming up Senior prom which unfortunately he is involved in as part of the Student Council, which made him miss his late afternoon dance jams in his classroom.

"Yeah, totally" Jungwon looks around then looks up at the clean white ceiling meters from them.


"Eh, I dunno" Jungwon then slurped loudly on his smoothie to at least cover up the awkwardness from their recent conversation

It went silent between the two of them.

Jungwon and Sunoo silently rode up the escalator and both of them were on each side looking at the people underneath them slowly shrinking as they went to higher ground.

Jungwon then sneaked a glance at the busy Sunoo, then saw him still leaning on the right side and struggling to keep the bags in his soft grip.

This was the first time in their whole 2 years of friendship they have ever talked about sexuality, and it appears like Jungwon was the first to provoke the topic.

And it was for a reason.

He's coming out to his best friend

"Do you ever think that straight guys watch gay porn?" Jungwon asked uncertainly, anxious about how his best friend will react to such a statement

"I mean depends if they're 100% straight"

"But you said it was a spectrum?"

"Well yeah, either side of the spectrum is either gay or straight. Why are you even asking these questions? Is this about your Dad?" Sunoo skeptically asked while looking at Jungwon in suspicion

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