08 - Mr. Park

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I watched Euphoria back in 2020-21 I forgot but idk why I'm just getting interested right now 💀

So I decided to incorporate some of my fav scenes in this book even though I've forgotten half of the show LMAO

I didn't really check for any mistakes or any scenes that seem out of place cuz I was lazy, so get ready for some weird ass scenes I forgot to erase.



Yuna hasn't talked with Sunoo since...

And of course, Sunoo noticed this. He would let it be if it were only for a couple of days but it's been two weeks since the time he called Sunghoon.

Sunoo didn't read between the lines because it might be because of something personal or something going on. But he did not want to interfere and just waited till she was fine.

"Yuna!" Sunoo's eyes sparkled at the sight of his best friend

But, she didn't even bother looking back at him

"How are you? We haven't talked for a while." Sunoo ran up to her and walked by her side

"..." silence.

"I look different today" Sunoo says staring at his reflection on his phone

"You look fine to me" Yuna answered in a monotone voice

"Are you sure? I look weir-"

"Sunoo, can you like stop talking about your looks. It's literally the only thing you ever talk about" Yuna stopped in her tracks

"That's not true, I only asked you how I looked" Sunoo looked at his best friend wondering why she was being such a bitch over something so little

"Yeah, well, you look beautiful Sunoo. You're fucking amazing! That's literally what everyone has ever told you your entire fucking life! Like listen to yourself, it's fucking exhausting"

Right before Sunoo was gonna reply Jungwon came rushing to them like he was in a hurry

"Guys! Jake needs us right now"


Jake was crying

When I mean crying I meant hysterically crying

His girlfriend saw him and Heeseung last night and she broke up with him

You might ask. Why is everyone gay in this story? Well, ask our dear author, not us.

Jake couldn't believe what consequences he had to face after what he has done to one of his closest friends which not only affected the 7-year friendship between him and Heeseung but also ruined his relationship with his girlfriend who he had been with for 2 years.

Especially now that he's finally coming to terms with his sexuality, he was having a pretty hard time.

"So you're telling me your girlfriend saw you and him not only kiss but we're hardcore making out at your party last week?" Yuna was the first one to speak among the other three who were sitting in a circle in an unused classroom

"Yea but I-I was drunk and it was an accident, I don't...I-I don't know what to do. I tried explaining to her but she just won't listen" Jake sniffled as he wiped his falling tears using the sleeve of his jacket

"I mean, have you tried lying?" Sunoo gave a suggestion

"No, I mean I want to be honest with her" Sunoo and Jungwon looked at each other

sticky notes - sunsun Where stories live. Discover now