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"I just wanted to say... I'm..."
He hated himself for this.
"I'm sorry."


The door cracked open.
Raven said, the door still covered most of her, but half of her face was in view, her big eyes staring at Bakugou intently.

"I'm... I'm sorry for how I acted the other day. I was just frustrated with D- Izuku. I didn't mean to scare you."
He said, looking away with a red face.

Every fiber of his being hated this... Apologizing.
Bakugou NEVER apologized. Ever. And yet here he was, sucking up to some bitch he had only met twice. And for what? Some competition? Was that really worth sacrificing his pride?

"Oh... uh... that's okay, I guess."
Raven mumbled.

They stared at each other for a minute. This wasn't exactly what he had planned, she was SUPPOSED to invite him in our of politeness. Everyone in Japan knew not to leave someone awkwardly standing at your doorstep. Either send them away or invite them in.

"Is... that all?"
Raven asked him finally, glancing back into the apartment.

He felt his patience slipping slightly.
"No. I'm... I'm thirsty."
He said, hoping for an invite in.

"Don't you have water at your house?"
Raven asked, tilting her head.
At first he thought she was being sarcastic or rude. But there was no indication in her tone that she was kidding.

He raised an eyebrow.
Was she being serious right now?

"Yes I do. I came HERE to apologize, but now I am thirsty." He clarified.

Raven said simply.

"Yeah... so..."

She asked.

He looked at her, dumbfounded. Was she playing dumb? Or did she actually not understand that he wanted to come inside?

"So, can I have some water?!"
He snapped and Raven flinched back.
"Sorry, I'm just... thirsty."
He mumbled, if he kept losing his temper he was gonna blow it.

"Oh! Right of course. Sure."
She opened the door a little wider, showing her entire body and the interior of the living space.

He looked down and glared, she was wearing an oversized All Might hoodie and green gym shorts. He knew NEITHER of them were hers.
The shorts hung loosely on her smaller frame and weren't super flattering, though he did have a decent view of her creamy legs. She looked small and cute in the oversized hoodie, the sleeves falling past her hands.

But they were Deku's clothes.

She was wearing Deku's clothes, and Bakugou hated it. It felt like a failure on his part.

She stepped aside to let him in, he walked past her into the stupidly small living room area. He could fit this entire apartment in his living room if he was willing to get his own house all dirty.

Though... now that he was looking around. The place wasn't THAT dirty right now. The baseboards were a shiny white, which meant they were either repainted or just scrubbed until they shined. The shelves and TV had been dusted and the floors had been recently swept and vacuumed.

It actually didn't look that bad.

He glanced over at Raven. Had she... cleaned up? Why the hell were they making her clean up their messes?!

Raven walked into the kitchen and grabbed a sparkling clean glass from a shelf and poured him some tap water.
She looked over at Bakugou, who was leaning against the counter. Watching her with his arms crossed over his chest.

She set the water on the counter and stared at him. He stared back.

She wouldn't even hand it to him? What the hell, he had apologized! And she didn't even feel the need to hand him a stupid glass of water?

He took it with a 'tch' and took a sip of the water. It was city water, and it tasted like shit. He preferred bottled water but he doubted they had any in this shit hole.
"Are you still mad at me or something?"
He asked, staring at the water.

Raven blinked once
"Huh? I'm not mad."
She said with little to no expression on her face.

He glanced over at her and then took another sip. Staring at her the entire time.
Though she wasn't looking at him, she seemed a little dazed. Staring over at the wall behind him.
"Listen, I was just mad at Deku alright? Because he talked shit about me. I kinda like you, and I didn't want you thinking I was just some ass."

She looked back over at him. Like she wasn't sure why he was talking, or what he was saying.

"Are you even listening to me?"
He asked with a frown.

"Yes I am. I am listening."
She said in an almost robotic way.
"Why do you call Izuku Deku?"

So she had been listening, at least to a little bit of what he was saying.

"Because... it's just a nickname."
Bakugou shrugged and placed the glass back on the counter.

"Like he calls you Kacchan? But doesn't Deku mean wooden doll, or puppet? Most people use it to say useless right?"
She said, tilting her head and looking at the wall again.
"It's more like an insult than a nickname."

"It's an inside joke."
He lied. "From when we were friends, you wouldn't get it."

"Huh... okay, if you say so."
She said, she was still looking at the wall.

What is it with this chick and eye contact?! Why couldn't she look at his face?!

"Are you still thirsty?"
She asked, suddenly looking back up at him.

He looked at the glass.
He mumbled, was this a waste of time? Why was she being so difficult? Kids at school practically beg to hang out with him.

So why did it seem like she just wanted him to leave?

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