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Bruh it's been like a month since I've updated this storyyy.
Sorry guys lol but heres another kinda short chapter lol

But he wasn't safe.
He'd expected it and walked into school prepared to face the consequence of telling Raven about Bakugou.

Midoriya was pretty strong now.
Meaning he could take a punch, not that he was going to throw any. He honestly didn't want to hurt Bakugou, even after everything he'd done to him. But he felt a little more aggravated this time because Bakugou was bringing in a third party, Raven.
What Midoriya didn't want was Bakugou bringing Raven into their messed up dynamic and Raven didn't want that either.

His skin had crawled when he heard that Bakugou had literally been at their house without him knowing. Raven had to deal with that all alone and that really bugged him. What if Bakugou had been even more of a creep and She didn't have anyone to protect her from him?

"Oi Deku."
Bakugou said after class, the room quickly cleared out after that. The other students knew what was going on, they didn't care enough to defend Midoriya but they also didn't want to watch what he did.

Midoriya said simply, turning to his bully.
Bakugou shoved Midoriya backwards into a desk.

"A little birdie told me you were talking shit."
Bakugou said with a glare.

Midoriya flinched.
"Leave Raven out of this Kacchan, Just leave her alone!"
Deku clinched his fists tightly.

Bakugou scoffed.
"I don't think you're in any position to be making demands asshat! I'll do what ever the hell I want and it's none of your damn business!"

"Yes it is! Raven is my friend!! You can push me around all you want but I won't let you hurt her!! She's scared of you! She doesn't like you!"
Midoriya yelled back.

Bakugou stepped forward, glaring at Midoriya.
"You really like that bitch don't you?"

Midoriya shoved Bakugou away.
"Don't call her that!!"
He yelled anger rising in his chest.

Bakugou laughed at Midoriya, it was a loud mocking laugh.
"Aw you have a crush don't you Deku? God you're so pathetic!"

"It's not a crush! She's my friend and I care about her! That's why I won't let you touch her!"
Midoriya said, his face flushed from anger and embarrassment.

"Oh yeah? Then what are you gonna do? Fight me? You wouldn't last a second."
Bakugou grabbed Midoriya by his collar.

"And then what? I go home and Raven sees the bruises on me? She's smart Kacchan. Even if I lie she'll see through it."
Midoriya said, hoping that would prevent him getting beaten up.

"Then I'll hit you where she can't see, I'll leave your ugly face alone."
Bakugou hissed with a smirk.

"And what's stopping me from showing her? If you hit me you won't have a chance with her. I might be a pathetic Deku but I'm her friend and she'll chose me over you any day."

Bakugou wrapped his hand around Deku's throat.
"Is that a Fucking threat?!"
His eyes were lit up with anger.

"I don't know. Does it sound like one?
Midoriya said with a smile. He was getting pretty ballsy in this situation. He really hoped Bakugou actually cared about what raven thought of him. Because if not he was really in for a beating.
Bakugou's hands tightened and then loosed as he thought everything through.

His eyes were nerrow as she stared Deku down and suddenly Midoriya knew. He had him, he'd actually driven Bakugou Katsuki into a corner. Because if Bakugou genuinely didn't care he would've killed him by now.
"Alright fine then."
Bakugou let go and stepped back. Midoriya smiled in his small Victory, yay! he didn't get his ass kicked!
But soon Bakugou smiled back at him.

"But do you really think you can compete with me? I've gotten everything I've ever wanted Deku. Raven won't be any different, she'll be mine one day and you'll just be her friend."
Bakugou said, he gave Midoriya a pat on the back.
"May the best man win."
He said with a cocky smile.

'Shit. Did I just challenge Bakugou? Because it feels like i just challenged Bakugou. Maybe I should've just taken the beating.'
He thought as Bakugou walked out of the classroom.
'No because then that would've made Raven feel bad, she would blame herself you know that.'
He reasoned with himself as he gathered his things.

But why did he feel like she was in danger just because Bakugou liked her or something? Did he actually like her? Probably not, he just saw her as some sort of challenge. Some sort of trophy that he could hold over him.
Like she wasn't a person.

Midoriya wasn't going to let that happen.

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