His laughter filled the room. "I'd love to see you try, Sophie. You're mine, and now I've come to claim what's mine," he said, his gaze fixed on me.

"In your dreams," I replied, my eyes still locked on the TV screen.

"Well," he cleared his throat, "I'm sure you wouldn't want to see your dear Abby in trouble if you continue acting like a petulant child."

The mention of Abby caused panic to seize me. Did he know Abby? Was she in danger because of me? I turned to stare at him, the fear in my eyes betraying me.

"Don't you dare hurt her, Gio. I swear, I won't forgive you," I said, sitting up.

A smirk tugged at his lips as he settled on the couch opposite me. "I won't, provided you gather your things so we can leave. Or should I call my guards to do that?" he asked.

"No one is touching my belongings," I protested vehemently.

"Brava ragazza," he mumbled, a satisfied smile on his face.

"I despise you, Gio," I spat out, emotion welling up in me. "I swear, I detest you. You're so cruel, and I promise you, no one will ever love you. You're destined to be a sad, lonely man till your last breath. You've ruined my life. I wish I'd never met you, never set foot in your mansion," I cried, a fresh wave of sobs washing over me.

Gio's face was slashed with hurt as he looked back at me. Why did my heart ache as I spoke those words to him? I had to be truthful—I wanted Gio. I loved him more than anything, but I couldn't risk getting hurt. The threats of Ariana still echoed in my mind, and I couldn't bear the thought of my child ending up in an orphanage.

His eyes closed, and when they reopened, he stood up without a word and left.

The silence was overwhelming. Gio was gone, but I didn't feel joy. I felt hurt. Deep pain filled my heart as I sobbed loudly, tears flowing without any sign of stopping soon.

* * *
Five days had passed since Gio left my home, left me, and my misery hadn't lessened. To add to the emotional hurt, my back and waist protested with severe pain every time I moved. I was weakening, with no one nearby to lend a hand.

I had managed to walk to the market three days ago, hoping to stock up on essentials. The outing had provided a momentary, albeit small, respite.

Abby had called, telling me she wouldn't be back for at least another week. Her boss, the Spanish tycoon, hadn't finished his travels yet.
Gio, on the other hand, hadn't shown up at all. I began to fear that my harsh words had driven him away for good. I hadn't meant all of them. I was just so infuriated that he was arranging his wedding with another woman, while I was kept secluded at his mansion in Italy, with the threat of my child being taken away from me.

I was in the kitchen, attempting to prepare dinner, when a sharp, sudden pain seared through my abdomen. The spoon I was holding clattered to the floor as I instinctively clutched my swollen belly. Another wave of pain ripped through my back, tearing a scream from my throat.

"What's happening?" I wondered, fear creeping into my thoughts. "Is something wrong with my baby?" I wasn't due for another six weeks, so what was this? I attempted to make my way to the living room, but my body betrayed me.

Sweat beaded on my forehead, each new wave of pain more intense than the last. "God... please," I panted, a tear trickling down my cheek. "Please, don't let anything happen to my baby," I murmured, slowly sinking to the floor. I needed to reach my phone, I needed to dial 911. As the pain ratcheted up, I crawled towards the device, shaking and sobbing.

But the pain was too much. I couldn't reach it. I collapsed onto the floor, praying through my tears. "God, I beg you, please help me," I gasped, interrupted by a loud banging sound. Startled, I turned towards the sound. Someone was pounding on the door, but I was helpless on the floor. The banging grew more frantic.

Every wave of pain wracked my body, my heart pounding in time with the throbbing.

Suddenly, the door burst open. Gio stood there, his eyes wide with fear. He rushed towards me. "Dio mio, Sophie," he murmured, gathering me into his arms. His touch provided a momentary relief as my tears flowed freely. He had come back. Gio hadn't abandoned me.

Several bodyguards filled the room, adding to the chaos. Gio lifted me into his arms, his heart pounding against my body as he carried me outside to a waiting car.

"I promise you'll be fine, Sophie. Dio, per favore, non lasciarmi perdere," he whispered in Italian. His voice started to fade as I stared at him.

The last thing I heard was his desperate plea, "Please God, don't let me lose her," before darkness claimed me.


Hello, lovely readers. This chapter brought tears to my eyes as I wrote it. I truly hope something bad doesn't happen😭

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