Chapter 12

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The journey to the airport remained shrouded in silence, with Gio making no effort to engage in conversation. I, too, had no desire to speak to him, not after the venomous words he had spewed at me.

As I gently placed my hand on my swollen belly, a gesture of solace for my unborn child, I couldn't help but seek reassurance and comfort for both of us. We would find a way to navigate through the uncertain path ahead.

Heading to Italy, a country I had never been to, seemed daunting. However, with everything happening around me, I had an inkling that Gio would arrange the necessary arrangements, even though I lacked a passport.

While we traveled, I couldn't help but eavesdrop on Gio's phone conversations, as he effortlessly switched between English and Italian. He remained undeniably ravishing and handsome, a sight that was impossible to ignore.

Yet, as I grappled with my conflicting emotions, it saddened me that such remarkable physical attractiveness was accompanied by ruthlessness in his character.

"We have arrived," Gio announced, pulling me out of my reverie.

I observed as he opened the car door, and I followed suit, stepping out onto the private tarmac. Arrayed before us were various jets, with one particularly sleek aircraft catching my attention. I presumed that it was the one we would be boarding.

I trailed behind Gio as he led the way towards his private jet. As I attempted to enter, he extended his hand, a gesture I defiantly rejected. My anger consumed me, rendering me indifferent to his frustration, though his audible growl conveyed his own displeasure.

Taking a seat within the aircraft, an air hostess approached me, offering guidance on where I could find rest and relaxation. This being my first time on a plane, apprehension gripped me to my very core. I desperately wished to go unnoticed, especially by Gio.

Avoiding any potential embarrassment in his presence became my priority. I arched an eyebrow, sensing a rumble in my belly that reminded me of my hunger.

After a brief wait, we finally received clearance for takeoff. Gio settled into the seat beside me as the plane began to move. Feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement, I pinched myself slightly and adjusted my position within the confines of the seatbelt.

As the aircraft started ascending, fear gripped me, and without a second thought, I reached out and grabbed Gio's hand, closing my eyes tightly. Sensing my unease, he chuckled softly.

"First time, huh?" he asked, his voice filled with understanding.

I nodded in response, unable to find my voice at that moment.

"It happens to the best of us," he said, his hand gently rubbing the back of mine.

"You'll be alright. Trust me," he reassured me, and I gradually began to relax, finding solace in his presence.

I suppressed a yawn, my weariness catching his attention.

"Are you hungry, Strega?" he inquired, his penetrating gaze fixed on mine.

"Well, yes, I'm quite famished, but..." I nervously began to reply.

Before I could finish, Gio uttered something in Italian to Alfonso, who was seated across from us. A few minutes later, a diverse array of cuisines adorned the table before me, and I indulged without reservation.

"Mmm, absolutely delicious," I exclaimed, my lips tingling with satisfaction. As I turned to face Gio, I caught a glint of desire in his eyes, his gaze drifting from my lips to my chest.

Instantly, a blush rose to my cheeks as the realization dawned upon me. My breasts had grown significantly, accompanied by a newfound roundness and curves brought forth by my pregnancy.

"Your breasts have grown," he remarked with a smirk, shamelessly ogling.

"Stop staring. It's a natural consequence of pregnancy," I retorted, attempting to regain composure.

"I find it quite appealing," he added, his gaze unabashed. "I wonder how they would feel enveloping my cock,you know," he trailed off, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Startled, I choked on the water before me, his last sentence catching me off guard.

"What... Gio!" I exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"I was merely expressing my thoughts, Strega," he nonchalantly replied, his smirk still lingering.

"Oh, well, duly noted, Gio," I muttered, rolling my eyes in response, and resumed my meal.

At times, I found myself contemplating if Gio had a touch of bipolarity, exhibiting coldness one moment and playfulness the next. Nevertheless, when he unleashed his mischievous side, it had a way of tickling my sense of humor.

I enjoyed this facet of Gio's personality, yet it saddened me that it seemed to be only a fleeting glimpse into his true self.

As the hours passed, fatigue began to take its toll, and the gentle hum of the plane's engines created a soothing ambiance. The weariness in my body began to overpower my initial anxieties, and I found myself succumbing to the lull of the journey.

It was during this peaceful interlude that Gio leaned closer, his voice softened with an unexpected tenderness. "Get some rest, Strega," he whispered, his hand gently brushing against mine. "We'll be landing soon, and there's much to navigate once we arrive."

Surprised by his consideration, I nodded, a glimmer of gratitude sparkling in my eyes. Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to drift into a deep slumber, comforted by the presence of the man whose complexities both intrigued and perplexed me.


"Madam? Madam? We have arrived," a soft voice roused me from my slumber, bringing me back to the waking world. I stretched and slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings.

It dawned on me that I was in Gio's private jet, en route to Italy, and now I had arrived. The realization filled me with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

"Oh my goodness, how long did I sleep?" I inquired, turning to the air hostess who stood nearby.

"You slept through the entire night," she replied with a soft smile.

"Oops, blame it on the baby," I chuckled, my hand instinctively resting on my growing belly. "I'm Sophie, and what's your name?" I asked, extending my hand for a friendly handshake.

She was a stunning young woman, appearing to be in her early twenties, with blonde hair and eyes that radiated innocence and kindness. I found an instant connection, perhaps because she reminded me of my own younger self.

"I'm Abby," she replied, reciprocating the handshake with a smile. "Abby Quinn. It's a pleasure to meet you," she added, her British accent adding charm to her words.

"Signora, the car is here to pick you up," Gio's chief of staff, Alfonso, informed me.

"I'd love to chat more, but duty calls. Here's my number, though. Feel free to reach out," I said, extending a slip of paper with my contact information, smiling warmly.

"Absolutely, thank you, Sophie. See you soon," Abby responded, assisting me as I stood and bidding me farewell with a wave as I disembarked from the jet.

Grateful for the newfound connection, I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy that I had made a friend in this unfamiliar place.

But a sense of curiosity gnawed at me as I realized that Gio was nowhere to be seen when I woke up.

"Alfonso, do you happen to know where Gio is?" I inquired, my voice barely audible.

"He had to go to the office. Something urgent came up," he replied tersely, his tone lacking any further explanation.

"Alright, thank you," I muttered, trying to mask my disappointment, as we proceeded towards the waiting luxurious car stationed on the private tarmac.

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