Going Sab Hunting

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I wake up the next morning and Jayleighs still asleep. So I end up texting Sab.

Sabb babyy!!
hey, have you thought about my msg?
*Not Delivered*

I then send it but notice it says not delivered, did she block me? I slowly get up so I dont wake Jayleigh and get dressed, im gonna go find Sab I dont care how long it takes or where shes at.
When I go to leave I put a sticky note on the counter that says, "be back soon. I hadda make a run for something."

About 30 minutes later I arrive at Sabs place. I get out and walk to her door. Im nervous as fuck, so I think about leaving but I dont. Instead I force myself to knock.
Theres no answer.
I then remembered I still had one of Sabs extra keys, so I decide to use it. I walk in and head up to her room. Shes not there. So I walk down the hall to her guest room, and shes not there either. So shes obviously not here, but where could she be then? I think for a moment or two, she cant be doing a shoot or anything can she?
So I finally leave and lock her door behind me and head toward the studio she always does shoots in. Once I arrive, I run to the door and knock on it. A few moments later a women opens the door, of course its not Sab.
"Oh hello Nessa." She says, "what are you doing here today, you dont have a shoot for today."
"Im looking for Sab, have you seen her?" I ask.
"No, I havent, sorry." She replies.
"Do you know anywhere that I can possibly find her?"
"Uh maybe try the Hype House?"
"Okay thanks bye," I say walking away.
I begin to think, why would she be at the hype house? Then it finally hits me. Jaden. I begin driving to the Hype House and arrive about an hour later. When I pull up my phone begins to ring, I check to see who it is. Jayleigh. I decide not to answer and head toward the door. Its left unlocked so I open it.
"Nessa?" Says a girl running up toward me.
"Oh hey Charlie." I reply.
"What are you doing here." She asks.
"Looking for Sab, have you seen her."
She points up stairs. "Thanks." I reply.
"No problem." Says Charlie as I walk up stairs.
At the top of the stairs I see Bryce, Jacob, and Josh all arguing about something. I decide to walk past them but Josh stops me.
"Wait is that you Nessa?" He asks as I turn toward him.
"Are you here to join?" Asks Jacob.
"No guys, im looking for Sab." I say.
"Ohhhh." Says Bryce looking at the others.
Josh points down the hall to the room on the end.
"Thanks." I reply walking off.
"Give me a call." Yells Josh.
"Sorry no can do Josh."
"Aw why?" He asks but I dont answer, as I open the door to Jadens room.
I walk in, and see them fucking on the couch. "Sab!" I yell and they both look up.
"What the fuck Ness, you could of knocked." She yells. "Anyway why are you even here?"
Jaden walks into the bathroom with his clothes, while Sab picks hers up and puts them back on.
"Well I was looking for you, but you wasnt home, nor at youre studio, so I came here and walk in to see you fucking my ex!"
I say going to turn away, but Sab grabs my arm. I turn around to look at her. "Im sorry Nessa."
"Youre sorry Sab? Are you really though?" I yell at her. "You know I still had feelings for him and then you go and fuck him. What the fuck Sab, youre not the person I thought you was. I thought bestfriends was supposed to be there for each other through thick and thin but apparently its the other way around."
"But Ness-" She starts crying but I cut her off.
"Heres youre keys." I say throwing them at her. "Jaden might need those." I turn walking out of the room and down the stairs crying. Of course everyone notices.
"Ness! Whats wrong?" Asks Charlie, running over to me.
"Wait did I hear Ness?" Yells Addison running after Charlie.
"Sab fucked Jaden." I say softly.
"OH MY GOD!" Yells Addison.
"Youre joking!" Yells Charlie.
"Nope." I reply through sobs.
"Im so sorry Ness-" Charlie starts.
"No its fine, im done with them both. Fuck them. If they wanna be like that, thats on them but ill make sure the world knows who she is." I reply, walking out the door slamming it shut behind me.
"Ness! Wait!" Yells Addison as I drive off.
How the fuck could she do that to me? And so fucking easily too." I think. "Fuck!" I yell, as I get a message. I look to see who it is.

Sabb babyy!!
ness im so sorry. i know that was really wrong of me and i know im stupid as fuck, its just.. i miss my bestfriend.

I reply back.
If you really cared about me sab, you would of never done that and would of came to me but you didnt. you tried to hurt me and made sure you did. so dont be calling me youre bestfriend because were nothing anymore!!
*Changes name to "Stranger."*

Stranger. (Sab)
please ness?! ill be over at nine tmr

Stop calling me ness, only my close friends call me that. and dont bother coming i wont answer.

Okay nessa. and i know my ways.

ways of what sab?

youll see tmr.

I turn off my phone and head over to Jayleighs.

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