Chapter 8

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"I'm sorry to inform you..." she started "but she was captured by the enemy."

A small eerie ringing started to play in my ear, becoming louder and louder by the second. The pounding of drums played against my chest as my heart fell into my stomach. Waves of anxiety and sadness rushed over me, making me a tad light headed. O'Shawn squeezed my hand, pulling my hand into his lap. I could sense he was worried for me, his anxiety matching mine. He nodded his head to me, assuring me that we would figure it out.

His assurance forced a wave of calmness to wash over me. My breathing slowed and my mind cleared. Focusing on the facts and not the unknown was the only way to operate now.

My mother was captured, not dead.

Somehow I knew that I was her best chance at being free. Something inside of me could save her from whatever was coming.

"Was it the guy who attacked us?" I asked.

"I do not know who is responsible for taking her or attacking you. Everything about you is a mystery to us and now to yourself. Prophecies are  metaphoric in nature. Yes, they always come true but the exact details are never there. The answer to whoever is pursing you and took your mother is up to you to discover." Seeara said.

"But that's not helpful.." I argued. "Before all this I was.......normal. I mean, yeah somethings would happened that I really can't explain, but me being a God was never one of the answers!" I argued.

"I'm sorry that this isn't as helpful as you or I would like it, but time is not on our side. This war that we've been fighting has been an ongoing conflict for a very long time. These words that I have shared with you were the very last words I heard my father speak." She turned her head to the portrait of the man on the wall. "My father's power of precognition was the strongest of any Gods. He was significantly dangerous to those that saw him as an enemy. Even though he couldn't control when or what he saw, he had the intelligence to easily decipher what it meant. Every word spoken by him became reality later on."

She turned her head back to me.

"When he gave me my purpose, I knew to trust in him. I figure on earth, trusting those that you hardly know isn't ideal, but I promise you that I am only here to aid you in your upcoming journey." She paused, turning her head towards O'Shawn.

O'Shawn sat up a little straighter, clearing his throat. I could sense his heart rate spiking a little,   but he remained relatively calm. 

"You...." She started "Do you sense any hostility or deception from me?" She asked.

O'Shawn eyebrows furled up.

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean?" He asked.

"Gods are unable to feel fear, so we can't tell when another Gods has hostile intents towards us. I think the term humans coined it was God Complex. Humans are able to feel fear, and you were made a Warden, giving your senses a boost."

"So, what do I do? How do I activate it?" O'Shawn asked.

"It isn't something you do, it's something that is. Because you are of human origin, you can feel fear. When you become a Warden, the ability to sense fear evolves into the ability to sense hostile intent. Now tell me, do you sense any hostile intent from me?" She asked.

O'Shawn shook his head no.

"This ability puts you two at an advantage against the enemy. As long as you are around Cadence, no one can surprise you. Stay together until both of you learn and hone your skills." She stood up from her seat, grabbing her staff. "That's all the time that we have. Valery, go to your tent and grab all that you need, I'm afraid it's going to be a while before you see Asgard again."

Valery nodded her head and then exited the tent. Seeara walked around the desk towards a large brown wardrobe, pulling the large twin doors back. She moved a couple of things asides, picking up two ten bags from the corner. She walked over to us, holding them out towards us.

"There is clothing inside made from the fabric of Anansi. When you get to your destination, put them on. They will take the form which is most comfortable for you."

O'Shawn and I grabbed the bag out of her hand. We used the one strap it had to sling it across our backs. The strap was made of brown leather with gold stitching to hold it together. It felt more like a satchel or a fanny pack than a backpack. 

A man came into the tent wearing battle gear, with an axe on his back. He bowed his head to Seeara before he spoke.

"Seeara, Mayari has arrived as requested. She is waiting for you at the location." He spoke.

"And the enemy?" She asked.

"The Angels have been spotted just outside the forests entrance. There is no indication that they know that we know about their surprise attack. All preparations have been met, and all Gods are in place. We are ready." He said.

Seeara nodded her head in approval.

"Join the Gods at the break point. I'll be there momentarily." He commanded.

He bowed his head again before exiting the tent. Seeara turned towards us, looking at both of us.

"I'm want to apologize again. You two have been thrown into something you don't understand and I'm sorry that I won't be able to lead you. You three will be leaving with one of my most valuable assets and partners. Trust in her the same way you trusted in me, I promise you she is someone who's worthy of it. Understand?" She's asked.

We shook our heads yes in unison, looking at each other after.

What were we heading into?

The flapping of the tents entrance caught all of our attention. Valery appeared, carrying the same bags we had on our back. She was breathing a little heavy, like she had rushed there and back.  She walked around, joining O'Shawn and I in front of Seeara.

"Are you all packed?" Seeara asked.

Valery nodded her head yes.

"Great, it's time to go."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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