Season 03 - Chapter 04 (14)

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Time Jump~

Gregory Fletcher's POV~

Austin, Wilfred, Juanita, and I had been traversing the cavern just outside the swamp village for almost half an hour. The dingy underground place was relatively confined and expectedly dark, only lit by our handmade torches. We had yet to come across any other creatures, living or dead.

Right now, the four of us were walking in a single-file line through a passage leading into a small room with a low ceiling, several branching halls, and many stalagmites. As she had been doing, Juanita glanced at the drawn map before guiding us in the correct direction of the second Gem.

Since the start of our subterranean expedition, none of us had spoken much. For the most part, we were too focused on listening for any potential noises that would require us to act in defense and keeping an eye out for possible traps set by miners long ago to protect their fine discoveries.

The first time someone muttered more than a single sentence at one given time was after Austin, Juanita, and I passed a path adjacent to the route we were taking. Wilfred had stayed back and called for us three thereafter, claiming he saw what appeared to resemble a miniature campsite.

Everyone began to span the adjoining course, with Austin taking the lead, of course, and sure enough, at the end of the corridor was a tiny rest area built by prospectors. Messy cots were laid along a wall, and a pair of withered logs used for low fires were in the center of the rock room.

Juanita glimpsed at the chart again. "This obviously isn't the way to the Gem, as it is a dead end, but Velma marked this path as a milestone. We should take a minute to have a look around. We might learn a thing about the people who lived in the swamp or, at the very least, these miners."

Austin nodded. "The room is small enough to only take a moment to look through." Then, he stepped to a stack of worn pickaxes beside the shabby beds. He gripped the handle of the top one but let it go when the head snapped off and fell to the rock floor with an echoing clatter.

"Nice," I commented, approaching my boyfriend.

Smirking but ignoring me verbally, Austin grabbed the broken tool's pointed summit and held it between us. "We sure could've used these for ourselves if they weren't in such a rough shape."

"Yeah, you and Wilfred could've, more than likely. I'm not too sure how many adequate swings the rest of us would've gotten out of them before running ourselves dangerously low on energy."

The golden blond cupped the back of my hand with his palm, then gently transferred the arch into my possession. I figured it would be cumbersome since it was used to break riches like gold from stone, but it was not nearly as hefty as I had initially believed, though it still did weigh a bit.

Austin squeezed my shoulder. "You always act like I'm some big bodybuilder, Greg, but I'm not nearly that size. Just give yourself some credit. You're no less than average for a man our age."

Instinctively, with a nod, I snickered. "I'm just messing around most of the time. For the record, though, I'm glad you're not a bodybuilder. I like my men with more muscle than average, but only enough to let me know he uses nothing but good old gym equipment on a healthy basis."

Austin laughed and pulled me in to kiss my forehead, then rubbed my waist. "Let's see what else they've got around here. I'm sure Susie would appreciate something brought back for her, so..."

When the two of us turned around, we saw Juanita and Wilfred examining a paragraph of text carved into the opposite wall. He was holding up a light so she could see while translating and writing on a sheet of paper. Austin and I sidled next to them, oblivious to all but the symbols.

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