Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19 :: Beach Date

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It's been over a month since he told her everything about his dad's story

After they confess their love to each other, he can't get time for her to take her on a honeymoon

Today he decided to take her on a beach date and ask her where she wanted to go for their honeymoon

It was a cool morning as winter had already started, he opened his eyes and turned on her side to see his beautiful wife's face but all he saw was Yeontan, she wasn't there

"Good morning Tannie" he pickup up Yeontan in the air playfully as he barked, after bathing he walked downstairs and found her and his mom talking while cooking breakfast

He walked towards them greeting his mom, he back hugged Y/n and kissed her on her cheeks

"Good morning love" Y/n smiled

"Morning baby" his mom was smiling while cutting the vegetables

As breakfast was almost finished cooking jimin and Hosoek arrived, taehyung smiled at them and hugged 'em as they were meeting after one week, both were out of Korea for a meeting while Taehyung was handling here

"Let's have breakfast now" y/n said to everyone and all of them sat at dining table and with giggles and talking stuff they finished their breakfast

-At noon-

Jimin, Hosoek, and Taehyung three were in the meeting as Taehyung called them and talked to them about the date and honeymoon he was taking her

"Damn bro it's a good plan" Hoseok said with a smile

"Don't worry taehyung everything you plan on the beach will be perfect" said Jimin with a warm smile

"Thanks, brother" Taehyung smiled and Hosoek ruffled his hair

"You're our little brother anything for you"

"Only yours not of this ass" Taehyung said while looking at Jimin smack his head before leaving the meeting room

"We're not 10 jimin" They both heard Jimin's giggling sound which made Taehyung and Hosoek smile


It was 7 pm taehyung walked inside his room and saw she had just gotten outside of the bathroom, just a towel around her body, he walked to her and back hugged her

Her smell made him crazy

"You smell good" He said then kissed her neck, her heartbeat was always fast-paced whenever he kissed her on the neck

"Open the cupboard" He said while losing grip on her body, she turned around to him and stared at him confusedly then walked towards the cupboard there was one box, she looked at him, and he smiled at her

She sat on the bed and opened the box there was a black mini-dress

"It's so pretty" She looked up at him with a smile

"Tae are we going somewhere?" He nods

"Date... it's been a while"

"Woahh" she excitedly jumped upon him and hugged him tightly, he giggled seeing how happy she was just hearing the date word he was thinking of how she'd react when he told her about the honeymoon

He broke the hug and stared into her face

"I'm sorry" he said while cupping her face, she furrowed her eyes


"I didn't get time for you to take you on dates or do other romantic things that usually couples do"

✔•𝗞𝗧𝗛: 𝖳𝗐𝗈 𝖣𝗂𝖿𝖿𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖶𝗈𝗋𝗅𝖽 = 𝖮𝖭𝖤•Where stories live. Discover now