Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15 :: It's Time

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She was about to get inside her bedroom when she saw jimin and hoseok walking out from taehyung's office room

"Hey" she greet with smile while other man give her smile "Hey how you doing?" Hoseok asked , "fine"

"Ah yes he's calling you" said jimin with small smile "Taehyung?" he nod , she furrow her eyebrows

"What he need ?" Jimin shurg "Anyway i'll catch up with him" they both smiled and started walking while she made her way towards his office until she heard hoseok whisper


Waiting for few seconds she made her way to his office with smile on her but hide it right when she get inside the office

"Hey what is it ?" Guy who was placing his luxury whiskey

~The Brollach~

On table and taking glass , putting them on table peacefully suddenly got flinch when he heard voice out in silence "You loves to scare people, don't you ?" She chuckled "You'ar scary cat can't help" taehyung rolled his eyes and sat on couch

"Jimin told me you'ar calling me"

Jimin ?!

"Ah it's nothing now"

"I see" saying that she get in and close the door

Taehyung stare her for a moment "Can i join?" She asks , "Have you ever tried whiskey before ?"

"I Never had whiskey before but i guess finally I'll try it today" she sat in front of him

"Okk" taehyung said with chuckle, standing up from couch he walked towards cabinet and take out one more glass , putting it infront of her he again sat on his place before dialing someone number while she was observing his every action

"Bring bowl of ice cubes and cold water" right after a min door got knocked, taehyung walk there and maid came with ice cubes n water , y/n excitedly looking at those which made him smile even more

Pouring little amount of whiskey in both glasses he said "First try strong one then normal it'll be best in taste afterwards"

She nod and take glass in her hand , she was about to take it like shot but he immediately stopped her "Hey don't take shot , take a bit sip and slowly let it go inside" she did as he said , her eyes instantly got close tightly "The fuck it's so strong"

"Now try this" he again pour whiskey in that amount but this time with water n three ice cubes

Drinking it she look at him with widen eyes "This tastes much better"

"Told you"

Like that she continuously drinking while taehyung stopped after two glass while she was on her 4th

"It's enough now" he said to girl who was just drank her 5th glass and was about to take his

"Just on.... One more"

"No you'ar drunk"

"Fuck off I'm not" she immediately grab her glass but he hold her wrist "Come on let's go now it's bottle is almost over"

"How much It's cost"



"Now let's go"

"As you'ar saying I'm drunk--"

"You'ar !! I'm not saying"

"Shhhh let me complete"

"Let me finish your jebal" taehyung sigh at her which made smile and she immediately glup his

"Ermmm it's still bitter" he sigh and stand up "let's go" she tumblingly stand up was about to fall but he was fast enough to catch her arm

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