Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17 :: Want You Back

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Car ride was silent until y/n clear her throat to speak "Um thankyou for help"

"No problem"

"What about Ms.kim ?"

"My gaurd dropped her already dont worry about her"

"Cool" she was awkward to what to speak now , her both plam where griping tightly at her knees , he noticed and sigh

"You'ar getting nervous about what ??"

"I'm going straight , it's awkward right now , i don't know what to speak or how to talk to you"

"Same here , it's fine , till we reach your cafe we've 40 minutes left you can sleep till then , if you want"

"No I'm fine .. can i play music?"

"I don't listen music so i know which kind of music ar--"

"It's fine" saying that she tap play button of car audio system

First music which played was

Don't Give Up On Me by Andy Grammer

They both looked at each other for sec then she immediately stare at window while he front focusing on driving

They both smiled for some reason and after 10 min she slept


"We'ar he--" he stopped when he saw her sleeping peacefully

"No I'm fine" he chuckle to himself and stare her

I want her


He then look away and press horn , she finched and immediately wake up "Asshole" she murmured while putting her hand on his chest

"I thought you'ar changed but you'ar still that jerk i know" he chuckled

"Going" she rolled her eyes and step outside the car and through window she smiled and said "Thanks for ride"

Don't smile

"No problem" he smile , she was about to walk away but he called her again

"Y/n" she turn back with furrow eyebrows

"Yeah ??"

"Are you seeing someone??"

She didn't said anything but shocked by his question

"W-why sudden question like this ?"

"I want you back this time not as fake wife"



"Y/n unnie" she look back when someone called her name and it was jihyo


Ahhh what's wrong with my Voice

"What is it ?"

"There's alot I need hand , Nick didn't came today , he's sick-- wiat is he taehyung oppa ???" She immediately waved her hands to him , he smile and waved back

"Go inside I'm coming" jihyo nod "Oppa visit sometimes" taehyung nod and she left , then he again turn to y/n while she was already staring at him

"I should get going now , take care" she immediately turn around and started walking

What the actual fuckkk

"I'm counting on you" he said with small smile and left as well


✔•𝗞𝗧𝗛: 𝖳𝗐𝗈 𝖣𝗂𝖿𝖿𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖶𝗈𝗋𝗅𝖽 = 𝖮𝖭𝖤•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora